Alcala Yearbook 2007-2008

Dr. Tom Cosgrove 3 S YEARS □ Fi S6RVfC6


Submitted by Mari e Minninck, Assistant Dean of Students and Greg Zackowski, Executive Director of the Hahn Uni versity Center

Dr. Thomas Cosgrove, che Associate Vice President for Student Af- fairs, began working as a Student Advisor at che University ofSan Oiegoj n

1972." Cos" or "Dr. Torn," as he is affeccionaccly referred co, has been an advocate for studencs ever since. Over his 35+ years at che University, Dr. Cosgrove has been responsible for or part icipated in che creation and success ofmany p rograms chat contribute ro the personal development of scudents, particularly ro their development as leaders. These programs include: Torero Days New Student Orientation Associated Students Men's Crew Emerging Leaders Greek Life Outdoor Programs

The United Front Mulciculrural Center The Scudent Development Transcript The Student Leadership Breakfast Liberal Arts Beyond the Classroom

Dr. Cosgrove has also championed several of che buildings where chis development ofstudents occurs, including: The University Center The current University Center addition and renovation The Jenny C raig Pavilion Tom's impact on che USO commw1ity is best demonstrated by the number of alumni who make sure to srop by and see him when they visit campus. Dr. Cosgrove is an example of someone who truly believes in the Mission and Values ofUSD and puts chose be)iefs inro action every day.

It is for these reasons the 2008 Alcala Yearbook is ded icated ro Dr. Thomas Cosgrove !


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