Alcala Yearbook 2005

Jordan Anderson

Mimi Ward

To Our Dear Mimi, CONGRATULATIONS! We are o proud of you. We love you XOXO

W w re ble ed by your birth and ha e grown with you a you continue to make u proud of who you are and what you ha e accompli h d. We thank God fo r thejourney we ha e har d. We pray that God will ble you in the year ahead and pray that you will alway look to him fo r guidance al l through your Li fe. We re ery proud of you Son! God Ble ! We love you!

Mom, Dad and Mili

Mom, Dad & Kati

Kurt Haider

Kurt, Congratul ati on ! In le

than four year , you earned your goal; a Spani h Literature degree ! You bould be proud of all your accompli hmeot , a we aJI know that you can achieve any goal you de ire in life with your intelligence pa ion hard work and determinati on. We al o admire your compa ion and dedi cati on to help other . Your expo ure to and acceptance of other culture during your travel will continue to erve you well a you go forth into the future. We are looking forward to ee how your future unfo ld ; oh what a joy it will bring u all ! All Our Love Mom & Dad


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