Alcala Yearbook 2005

Laura Valery SantacnJZ Medina

Chelsea West

Queridi ima Hija, Mucha gracia por er mi hija. Tan inteligente y buena. Mucha felicidade y nue tro mejore de eo para que tu vida ea muy placentera y herrno a como tu.

Chel ea, Dance a though no one i watching you , Love a though you have never been hurt before,

Sing a though no one can hear you, Live a though heaven i on earth. We are o very proud of you! And we love you o very much!

Mom & Dad

Brett GIIIMpie

Mary K. Sanders

Brett, We love you very much and are o very proud of you . Mom and Dad

Gino James Vlnoent

Gino, In the e four year at USD, I've een you tran form from an adole - cent into an amazing young man . You ' ve matured both emotionally and intellectually and have become a bright, en itive loving indi vidual who e charm and en e of humor endear you to all. Be true to your elf! I Love You, Mom

Mary, From baby

i ter to USD graduate your family i proud of your accompli hment . A you continue your journey, you will alway be uITounded by tho e who love and upport you. Remember to put your faith in God for he love you. He will comfort you and give you trength a you climb the teepe t lope or the highe t mountain.

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