Alcala Yearbook 2005

Scott Anthony Yary

Courtney Gallagher

We love you, Scott! - and are so proud ofyour accomplishments. May God continue to give you succcess.

Courtney, Keep making it happen! With love and pride,

Mom, Dad and Carrie

Jordan E. Runnion

Paul Bochan


Wherever God may lead you next, know that we al l lo e and upport you. We could not be more proud of all you hav accompli hed and mo t importantly the beautiful young woman you ha e become in ide and out. We all love you ery much. The Gang! Mom, Tom, Dad, Jennifer Je ie, Sav, Ryan, Chari y. Harley and George!

Paul, You've made us so proud of you.

We love you and look forward to your future adventures. God has bless us with a beautiful son!




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