Alcala Yearbook 2005

Tamara, What an incredible journey you are taking u on!!! We love every minute watching you grow!!! You have become a confident, beautiful young lady who e beauty come more from within. Tami, we are o proudofyourcon tant, unwavering determination and many accompli hment . Continue to pur ue your dream and goal . Remember, wherever you go and whatever you do Mom and Dad are alway here!! LOVEBUG, NEVER GNE UP, NEVER GNEUP,NEVER,NEVER,NEVER. .. .WELOVEYOU!!!


Bubba Dear, Congratulation on your brand new degree-We' re overyproud of you! By the way .. . now that you' r a college graduate do you till want the lava lamp? Love, Mom & Dad


Thank the Lord for you, Annemarie, and for all the memories. Love you forever! Mom

Congratulation ! Grace, you made it! We wi h you more ucce in all the challenge that you will face ahead ...... . We are o proud of you.

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