Alcala Yearbook 2003
A the Director of Showcase, Mari ssa Burnett pfanned various campus show throughout the year that focu sed on keeping students entertained, mainly through laughter. One hi ghli ght of her time in office was the fall show, featuring Dean Edwards of "Saturday Ni ght Live".
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Sophi~l Q__
A s the Director of Commuter Student A ffa irs. Sophia addre ses all issues concerning student that liveoff-campus and commute to USO. The goal of thi s po it ion is to help maintain a comfortabl e on-campu environment for commuter students. Sophi a has worked on issues such as commuter student parking fees. the parking situation on campus. and a ·tudent lounge for commuters. She has put together events such as a new 0 -Week ac ti vity called '"Commuter Bowling Night" and commuter breakfa t / '·feeding frenzy" events in the newly-enhanced student lounge downstairs in the UC. Weekl y heatt endsStudent I sue Board meetings, during which other AS Director , senators. and school leaders work together on issues effecting all students at USO. Sophi a works closely with many offices and groups on campus, including Public Safety, the Student I sues Board. and Student Affairs to help all commuter student feel as much a part of USO campus community as po ·sible.
1Vt.~1k1 Sd1be(er- Director of Co1rnnu111I,, Service
As the Direc tor of Community Service, I work with the Community Serv ice Ad vi or Chris Nayve and Graduate A ssistant Kelli Rhi esten. I oversee and upport 15 tudent coordinated community service proj ects, which include everything from afterschool prog rams to the Tijuana Outreach. Many of our proj ec ts focus on the community of Linda Vi sta. We create an inspiring, educati onal, and cohesive environment for the project coordinators through monthly meetings and workshop . We also prov ide resources and connecti ons fo r the coordinator. w ith the San Diego community partners. Our goal is to address the core causes of social probl ems and become aware, as we ll aseducated. about these issues. We then ee what we can do to sol ve the is ues. I work to present volunteer and service opportuniti es to the USO : tudent body and get them in vol ved as much a· pos ible with their San Diego and Mex ico community. We create a service experi ence that is fun , interacti ve, and educational for students. Our offi ce also works very closely with Social Is ·ues to create social awareness on campus.
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