Alcala Yearbook 2003
Di~1ri;.1 ( _orncjl-1- Director of Scx:i~1I
Diana is the Director of Social for the Associated Students Leadership Team. She organizes dances, like the Homecoming Ball that was held on November 9, 2002 . Her goal is to provide as many social events for the USO community as her budget will allow. She has scheduled trip. to Magic Mountain and Di sneyland to allow the student to take some time off from their books to enjoy a trip to California 's theme parks. She has al so built-up a committee of wonderful students who help her with all of these events.
r\~1ror1-H~11111ncr- Director of Public Rct1tior,s
As Director of Public Relations, Aaron wa the innovator behind the acrylic table tents, which promote upcoming events and adverti sements on a weekly basis. He al so made a noted effort toward getting people to look at the gla s case bulletins around campus by creatively decorating them and keeping their contents fre sh and interesting. He strove to "Go Big! " with AS by promoting AS events more heavily toward the Greek Life and the multicultural commu– nitie .
As the Co-Director of Concerts. we provide students with music throughout the year. We work on electing, cheduling, and booking arti sts to perform in various venues on campus. These venues include Aromas, the Torero Grill , the University Center. the Plaza of the Kroc Institute for Peace and Justi ce. ShileyTheatre. and the Jenny Craig Pavilion . This Fall , concerts brought arti sts of diverse musical backgrounds. including Latin rock, acoustic. punk, hip-hop , alternative rock, and contemporary Chri stian rock arti sts. AS Concerts ha a committee of 185 member 10 help with concerts. This year, we are building a tech crew whi ch will be working in support of each AS Concerts show. Our hope is to offer the services of the tech crew to other organi zation in the future , providing trained technicians to increase the success of other events on campus. As always, we are working to provide greater musical diversity and bring larger artists to USO.
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