Alcala Yearbook 2003
Pav ing the way for ruture directors. Kouros h embraced thi s new pos ition with open arms and did hi s bes t to tack le as many academi c issues as possi bl e. Although book buy- back was ce rt ainl y the mos t import ant issue. Kouros h did not stop with academi c issue. . Continuing hi s theme from las t yea r. Kouros h dec ided to di ve into his work without the aid of a committee. The fac t that he did not have a committee did not stop thi s amaz ing ind iv idual fromcompl eting all the tasks that he undertook. When he was not at his office hours. Kouros h coul d be fo und at one of the many mee tings whi ch he had to attend eac h week. From his week ly Studen t Issues Board mee tings. to the many mee tings with the Faculty and Admi nistration. it seemed that Kourosh was always bu sy wi th some kind of AS-re lated work .
As Audit or and Cont ro ll er for Assoc iated Student s. I audit the AS budge t to make sure that eve ryone stays within their all ott ed budge ts. I fil Iout the rorms to make sure everyone who does an AS ac ti vity will ge t thei r money in a timely manner. I also wo rk with Alfo nso Sanchez. the Vi ce Presi dent of Fi nance. and I also take the minu tes ror Budge t Committee.
I created and mai nt ained http://as .sandi and address student conce rns regarding comput ers or technology in genera l. They keep me in a dark co rner and let me hack away at my keyboa rd to my heart's content. but I do ge t to keep my. tapler.
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