Alcala Yearbook 2003
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Juni or Senators Abby Jarl and Craig Smith have wo rked dili – gentl y on the major iss ues concerning their beloved junior class. They put on fun class events, such as Juni or Hungry Hours li ke the one they had at the Kansas City BBQ with a ..Top Gun '' theme. They are in charge of helping the Uni ve rsity choose speakers for the graduating class of 2004. They . it on the AS Senate, AS Student Issues Board , AS Budget Committee, and vote on important issues that effect their class and all st udents at USO. Interac ting with the . tudents and helping them li ve a more enjoyabl e and exc iting life while attending tJSO is something that these Senators really stri ve for. It is their goa l for the cla. s of 2004 to look back on their time at USO with a smi le.
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A. Freshmen Senators, our first duty is to our class-the young, yet almi ghty freshmen. If any freshman has a probl em with anything that they cannot dea l with on their own, or would just like some support, we are ready to be of ass istance. We also have our duti es a. part of the AS Leadership Team. We sit on the Student Iss ues Board , a forum fo r discussing and tack ling st u– dent affa irs and problems. We also hold a seat on the Budget Committee, and of course, as senators we si t on the AS Student Senate. In the Senate, resolutions about topics rangi ng from ice– cream soc ials to hate crimes are pa. sed.
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