Alcala Yearbook 2003
"Every li fe is prec ious to God , whatever the circumstances ." -Mother Teresa Students for life
Student s for Life promotes a consistent womb-to-tomb pro-life ethic on campus through edu cati on and servi ce dealing with the iss ues of abortion , euthanas ia, capital puni shment , workers' ri ght s, and any situati on that comes to our attenti on th at undermines the sanctity of human life at any stage (such as rac ism and the Holocaust). Our ac ti vities have included: hosting speakers for large and small groups, putting- up educati onal boards in the UC, working to eq ui p the Uni ve rsity to better serve pregnant and parenting members of the campus community, holding fund-raisers fo r local pregnancy care clini cs, circul ating petitions dealing with a moratorium on executi ons, ca lling government attention to the atroc ities committed in the factori es of US compani es in fo reign nati ons, and parti cipating in the Li fe Walk .
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