Alcala Yearbook 2003
The International Student Organi zati on is compri sed of a group of indi viduals who are dedi cated to promoting intern ati onaleducation at USO. The ISO is committed to providing an atmosphereofrespec t in whi ch indi viduals are va lued 1 !1ten1Jtiorol StudentOrganiz._~1tior1=:-, 1 fo r the unique contributi ons they bring to our campus. Members of the ISO va lue the cultures , languages, traditi ons, and world views of our international students, fac ulty, and scholars. The ISO works as a team in whi ch each indi vidual contributi on is va lued, fl exibility is encouraged, and an enjoyabl e work environment is provided. The ISO stro ngly beli eves th at interac ti ons between domes tic and internati onal students is mutually benefici al and promotes globa l understanding.
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