Alcala Yearbook 2001

Brianna Barr

Christa Lewis

Only a short time ago ..... and look at you now! Congratulations! We Love you.

Congratulations USO Graduate!! Just one more stepping stone in your journey to success. We commend you on your passion , persever– ance , and purpose over these last four years. Continue to challenge yourself daily . With pride and love, we

wish you the best, Mom, Dad, Ryan & Courtney

Brian Torio

Here 's to you! Congrat– ulations on your gradu– ation from USO. We are very proud of your accomplishments and look forward to your ex– citing future. May all your dreams come true! Love , Mom , Dad & Jenn

Mom and Dad congratulate Kathleen Polen=ani a, ,he foim her 1i1ter and brother a1

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Pigtails and bows Learning to dance on your toes

A road trip to New York and Niagra Falls On the Jackie Robinson freeway we did stall Now from college you are graduating More experiences and challenges are waiting

Piano lessons and soccer games A wild Duncan to tame

The years fly by Softbal and ski team of Mercy High

A new challenge off to San Diego The bus packed with your car in tow

Embrace the world, spread your wings But do not forget these two things;

Physics, biology and chemistry The beach, Old Town, so much to see

We are very proud of you

We love you.

Dances and military balls Working at Old Navy in the mall

Dad and Robin

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