Alcala Yearbook 2001

Luis Mendez Dorantes

Qonald Zuccaro Dear Ronnie,

Congratulations! We are very proud of you , Louie. Good luck in the future . Love-Dad, Mom & Baby Brother

Congratulations on an– other four years very well done. We love you and are very proud of you. Love-Dad, Mom, Danny & Chris

Anthony Daillo Anthony,

8amantha Leah DeVore From

the moment we held you in our arms, you have brought us joy and happiness. You have persevered, set goals , and succeeded. We are proud of you. We love you, Mom and Pop. Congratulations on grad– uating, have fun! Love, Elizabeth

Congratulations! We are proud and couldn't resist this chance for a picture in your last USO yearbook! Good luck at PWC. Love-Mom, Dad &Pauline

8hauna McMunn Oh, the places you've gone! But the adventure now is the places you will go! Live life with joy and laughter and re– member to dance. We are so proud. Thank you, Toots! Love-Mom & Dad

Steph, 8tephanie Youf18 Where would the World be without you? Your determina– tion , choice of friends and love of life has set you on a solid foundation. Our wish is that you will always have "the World by the tale" .

Amy Walker-Pinneo To our princess: we could not be prouder of our beautiful, intelligent daughter who has given her best effort. Love Mom, Dad and Ben. Prov 31:8-9, Psalm 45:14-15.

Daniel Q. 8tles

Daniel, "I love You" and I'm proud of you! God will always be with you.


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