Alcala Yearbook 1997

0arah- con8ratu1ation on your 8raduation from U6D! You have accomplished so much and we couldn't be more proud of you! We think you are the VEQY 5E6T!!! Always keep your creativity and uniqueness with you-you are so special! We are blessed to have a dau8hter like you. We wish the very best for you forever! LOVE, Mom, Dad 0 Natale


follow your dreams don't let 811ylhin8 keep you back.

DolJ8las f remdlif18

We proud of you and all your achievements! Love, Mom, Dad, Matt, Bender 0 &plitly Qomeao tt. Qodrisuez Jr.

To a lovin8 son and brother, Con8ratulations on your 8mduation from U6D. May li fe's best always be yours. Love, Mom, Dad, Eric and 6tefanie

Cof18ratulations Jr. With a lot of hard work you reached

your 8oal of 8ettin8 a colle8e diploma. We love you 0 8ood luck in whatever you decide to do with your future. Love Mom, Dad, Eileen 0 Elaine

Erin Kelly Kohen

We are so proud of you

and all your hard work and accomplishmenls. Mosl of all we are proud of lhe beauLiful person you are. We will always treasure all the wonderful momenls we've shared and the joy and love you've brou~,ht to each of us. Good luck in Lhe fulure, may all your dreams come lrue. We love you more lhan anylhin8 in the world. Love. Your Mom. Bob. 6hannon. Keilh and Kyle

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