Alcala Yearbook 1997

Keith Kerlton Panza Con8ratulations, Keith!!!!!!!!!! As you 8raduate from lhe University and venture into the "real world," may the 8race of Cods love bri8hten your way, and may peace, love, and happiness follow you wherever you 80, We have always loved you and are so proud of all your accomplishments, especially your four year academic scholarship at UoD. May all of your hard work, sense of humor, and friendly smile always brin8 you joy and success as you travel down life' journey. Thank for bein8 such a "oPECIAL" on and brother to our family. Love, Mom, Dad, Brian, and Pre ton (UoD 1998) Keith Kerlton Panza

Keith, Cof18ratulaions on doin8 such a terrific job, and thanks for all of the joy and the pride you have ~iven us. We love you and wish you lifes very best, you deserve it! Love, Grandpa and Grandma Panza

8hadi, Con8ratulations! We are so proud of you. Much happiness and success in the years ahead. We love you, Mom , Dad, Ghada

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