Alcala Yearbook 1997

Allison McGuire

Kelly Ann Kreisle Con8ralulalions on you 8radualion! You have always brou8hl us such joy. You are a blessed 8ifl and a wonderful friend. Thank you for bei0<3 you. We love you more l han words can ay... Love- Morn, Dad, 0 Kalie

We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished. May you never lose your spirit We love you, Dad, Mom, Iieather, Johnny, Meleesa 0 Kathleen Jenni fer 5er8ener l have waLched you 3row and learn. and in my hearl l yearn, Lo Lell you ju Lhow proud I amor you, and all Lhe Lhin3s you do. The woman you have become. is Lhe woman who has won. all or Lhe dreamĀ·. desires and 3oals you deserve. follow your hea rl, Ii Len Lo your soul, and pray for 3uidance. i\lways know I lov you very much... Love Mom and enthusiasm.

Cof18ralulalions Pri&:2illa! With a lot of hard work and determination you've accomplished your 8oal of 8raduation in four years! This is an incredible accomplishment and we are very proud of you. May God continue to bless you in the UfX:omin8 years! We love you always, Dad, Mom, Ernie, and Qozy

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