Alcala Yearbook 1997

Allison-U8D and you were meant for each other! What a success slor_r We simply could nol be more proud of you and your remarkable achievemenls and 8rowth as a person and sludenl. You are our family joy and as your exciting li fe journey continue , please remember tfial we all love and admire you. Dad

i\11 Crown up!

Our Precious Girl

i\llison and "The Bros."


CONGQATUALTION8 MIKE! We love you and words ~an't express our feelin8s of how proud we are of you and of all your accomplishments. Your dedication and your hard work paid off lo reach your 8oals. Wishi08 you all lhe success and happiness in everylhin8 you do.

Love, Dad, Mom 0 8leve

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