Alcala Yearbook 1997
Kind A n8elic
T hou8htful I nterestin8 E ner8etic
G ivin8 E xcitin8 Q esourceful tt elpful A rticulate Q espectful D eli8htfu1 T rustworthy
The wonders of life were always enticing. from New Hampshire to California, you did it all. Congratulations on doing a wonderful job at U8D. We are extremely proud of you and we love you very, very much. You are the best of the bestJ! Love, Morn, Dad, Nanna, M8&3ie c6 Michael Jes£e flint Lowe "Think where mans 8lory most be8ins and ends, and say my 8lory was I had such friends." -Yeats
Ti8hl lines, Jes£e We love you, Familia 5ajo
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