Alcala Yearbook 1997
D/\QCIE LYNN IiODNEfIELD Con8ralulalions Darcie
Much Lime has passed but il seems like only when I splashed and played with my cuddly liLLle 8irl in Lhe pool al home on those warmsummer aflernoons. Now, a short Lime later, you are 8radualin8 fromcolle8e. You have worked very hard and I am as proud as a dad can be of you and your accornpli hmenls. With a freshly earned de8ree fromcolle8e, you are now about Lo embark on a new phase of your !ife and I know that your personal successe and contributions Lo society will be si8nifi8ant. I wish you the very besLof everythin8 that li fe ha Lo 8ive. I love you very much. Di\D
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