Alcala Yearbook 1997

Picutred Right: This Delta Tau Delta wa not afraid to get too close to thi s Gamma Phi Beta, and it resulted in a win in the orange-pa relay. Pictured Below: Member of Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Phi pose for a victory photo after winning the Lip-Sync Conte t.

tr you were l o ask anyone who parlicipaled in Lhis year's Greek Week whal lheir favorile evenl wa , you would be liable lo receive a variely of responses. WheU1e r il was ilie Lip-&ync conlest. ilie Greek Carnival, or Creek O lympics, Greek Week offered nume rous aclivilies l o slref18ilien nol only inler-Creek relalions, bul relalions belween ilie C reek or8anizalions and Lhe resl o f ilie sludenl body. Greek Week slarled off wilh a hi8hly rnolivalional presentalion by Mr. Jeff I-Ieatherif18ton, ilie immecliale past presidenl o f Della Tau Della lnlernalional Fralernily. "lie was very inte reslif18. Unlike oilier speakers, he 8ol all o f l he auclience involved," explained Geno Villanueva, a member o f Della Tau Della. Tuesday n.i8hl was brimmin8 wiili a combinalion of music and dance as l he lip sync contesl enle rlained a full oolomon Leclure Hall. ex l, il was lime for all of ilie Greek O r8anizalions lo 8ive romethin8 back l o l he UoD communily. Groups donaled blood lo the American Qed Cross in ilie school wide blood drive. i\nd some C reek volunleers dressed in coslumes for a 8ood cause. Fairmonl school was ilie sile of a Halloween Carnival, enjoyed by nol only the children, bul ilie volunleers lucky enou8h lo allend. On Thursday ilie Greek Carnival in fronl of the UC broLJ8ht Greek Week lo ilie who le Ue>D campus. Each of U1e ei8ht Greek or8an.izalions headed clifferenl 8ames and booths to enlice passers by l o lry ilieir luck. The end of Greek Week came wiili ilie annual Greek Olympics. Conlesls included lu8 o f war, a pie ealif18 conlesl,

limbo conlesl, and o ra08e-pass. The event challef18ed parlicipanls wiili a friendly leve l of compelilion and cooperalion.

By Brian 6. Converse


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