Alcala Yearbook 1997

Greek Week

Picutred Ri ght: The wheel barrow race wa ยท a great way for Greek to

get down and dirty . Pictured Far Right:

Teamwork wa the idea of thi event, member of Gamma Phi Beta( left) and Alph a Delta Pi (ri ght) pull together to w in it. Pictured Below : Thi Lambda Chi guy knows exactly how to put the move on, not only on the girl , bu t al o to w in the Limbo Contest.

ludents and fac ulty

Pi ctured Above: The parking payback acti vity wa a great way fo r

alike to get back at parking enforcement o ffi cer. . Pi ctured Left: Members o f Alph a De lt a Pi sell collon candy to rai e fun ds fo r their ororit y. Sometime though, it wa too hard to res ist. Pictured Adj acent page; ri ght, So much fo r brotherh ood . The e guy ex peri ence the joys of womanhood running a re lay in women' c lothing; tilted right, A. a new tw i I lo the pi e-ea ting conte l, blind fo lded orority member feed hungry fra terni ty member . Needl ess to ay, it wa n' t just good c lean fun.

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