Alcala Yearbook 1997
Lamda Chi i\lpha Fralernily was founded November 19. 1909 al Boslon Universily. Boston. Massachusells. Today. Lamda Chi i\lpha i one o r Lhe lar8 L frale rnilies. wilh over 218.000 membe rs and more Lhan 225 chapler.!> and colonies localed Lhrou8houl Lhe Uniled 6Lales and Canada. 6 ince bein8 founded in Lhe sprin8 of 1995, Lamda Chi i\lpha has been reco8nized as a leader al Lhe Unive rsily o r &n Die8o. We have crealed a slron8 lradilion of
leadeG hip. brolhe rhood , ac demic excellence, rvice Lo Lhe communily, and social involvemenl Lhal is well known on campus. For example , many o f our members are leaders o f olhe r clubs and or8anizalion . i\nd our slron8 brolherhood creales life lon8 friends and memories. 6 ince comin8 to U6D, Lamda hi i\lpha has he ld Lhe hi8hesl CPi\ or any fralernily. Our annual orU1 Ame rican Food Drive ra ises Lhousands of pounds of food for Lhe communily. We also have many social en8a8emenls such as U1e annual Luau. Founder's Day Formal. and exchan8es wi U1 olhe r sororilies. i\s winne rs of Lhe 1996 Dean's Trophy. we are proud o f our slro08 Lradilion o f e xce llence in member and communily involvemenL
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