Alcala Yearbook 1997

The women o f' Gamma Phi Bela have been ve ry bu y this year. The many acl.B o f' si Lerhood, leadership and fun will be remembered always. Gamma Phi 5ela served a a proud ponsor of'Lhe U0D f oolba ll Learn. Homecom.in8 Qg_een, 0lephanie MascoLL and Junior L\Llendanl. /\le lhia 5api slood in lhe spolli8hl as the ir sisters cheered themon. Many successful f'undraisers were he ld includin8 a bake sa le, car wash and lhe firsl annual Moonball. The sprin8 pled8e of' 1997 was a 8real addition lo lhe chapter. Once a8ain il proved Lo be an eventfu l year for lhe ladies o r Phi beta.

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