Alcala Yearbook 1997

The Theta Zele Chapter of De lta Tau Della lnlernelional frale rnity was founded el UoD in lhe fall of 1988, by a 8roup of men with a vision or 8reelness. Resultin8 from hard work and dedicelion to that visio n, e bindns broU1erhood, and sLron8 pride, Lhe De lls have become an exlreme ly ucce , ful 8D or,3anizaLion. De lla Tau De lla offers a complete experience to its members; imporLanl leade rship experience, a ound academic environment, campus involvement, comrnunily service, and a folfi1Un8 social li fe, hi8hli~)1Led by our annual Charler Ball.

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