Alcala Yearbook 1997
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~,l!IJ'llllLll.l£LL w. ~ oJ eaxecunce. !J tttdli, cmwui[{l,e, :Jaitli and J>o.uwt WU!- owt µuuuuwwn :J~wzaq, ;,,, ~"entiaC. uuuwrnu:nuu. w. all Wlirtrnalliu:nw (JJU!Wtrt WU!, u.ital. StlielUW'ten.U14 UMrun.unuq, ;,,, ~"entia£ W- owt umua:tt, 9.Jwtfwtfw'1d """'lain:, ""'·
Della Tau Della was founded al Bethany Colle8e, West Vir8in.ia in 1858. IL has since chartered over 130 chapters, inLernaLionally, and iniLiaLed over 132,000 members. i\Jl Lhe brothers of Della Tau Della are continually slrivin8 for excel lence... "The qualiLy of a persons life is in direcL proportion Lo their com.m.iLLmenL Lo excellence, re8ardless of Lhe ir chosen field of endeavor." -Vince Lombardi
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