Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
{Jaine Milligan
'Ihe wholefamily joins you in a prayer of thanksg~iving on your graduation. Congratulation on a job well done. May the fgrd bless you always. fgve, ©ad~Mom Jay e experi– enced success throughout your life. ..Never lose sight ofyour ideals or your dreanw as you con– tinue your life's journey. ou har:>e been a source of lo r:>e, joy and pridefor ourfamily. j?ou are what I prayedfor in the beginning and what I gir:>e thanks for now. $haring life l;l:)ilh you has been a privilege. JCeep Smiling! i:Qr:>e, Morn Congratulations! . · ou reached your goal, and we are so r:>e1y happy for you. We've watched you beconie a happy and successful young lady vi:>ith dreams. We will be there t osupport your bright future. i:Qr:>e, orn Vad Vbu 'Tarekfled Congratulations 'Tarek! We are so very proud ofyou. j?our sincerity, integrity determination rnake you a very special young man. j?ou are our lor:>e, joy ~ inspiration. l:Qr:>e, 1Y.lom ~ Vad Congratulations class of1996! 'The yearbook staffwoukl like to take this time to thank youfor all you have donefor the school and to wish you luck in your future endeavors. God
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