Alcala Yearbook 1995-1996
Marilyn Cruz r/)elgon 'There aren't any words to express how very proud we are ofyou. COJvG~'lVJ;#'lIOJvS! We iJ}ve J)ou! iJ}ve, J)ou have come a long way, <.Baby. Congratulations! I love you! iJ}ve, Mom Greg deeeley • Congratulations! We are proud of your achievements. Our love ~ prayers go with you throughout your-lffe. Much fg·'()e, Mom J)ou sweetheart. Cong·ratulations! iQve, Morn, ©ad, r.fa Xaorni finne Mgtluliffe (J>aige Clem Congratulations Jfaomi! We are so proud qf you. Good luck in pursuing· your drean1. iQ'()e, Mom, ©ad, ~- ~iera J)ou 've come a long way from braces kona. J)ou make us very proud. iJ}ve, Mom, 206
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