Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994



In its sixth year of existence here at the University of San Diego, the Cycling Club/ Team continues to fill the need among USDstudents for honing their cycling skills and knowledge. Originally the club was open to all types of cyclists. Over the years, it has evolved into primarily a club which promotes and encourages bicycle training. As a sanc– tioned team within both the United States Cycling Federation and the West Coast Cy– cling Conference, riders are eligible to particiapte in a wide group of races. Mem– bers of the club/team enjoy bi-weekly meet– ings, training rides, mechanical trips, and collegiate races. ROCKCLIMBING/ BOULDERING CLUB Rockclimbing is a fun and challenging way to test yourself. It combines an exhilarating hike, quality climbing, and inviting scenery. Members learn knot tying, rope handling, belaying, bouldering, and movement on rock. Bouldering is a great way to ractice rockclimbing when one cannot get out to the mountains.

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Clubs and Organizations

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