Alcala Yearbook 1993-1994


The objective of United Front is to contribute to the creation of a campus environment which respects and supports diversity and pluralism. The mission of the member organizations is to provide an environment conducive to the unique expression of different microcultures that have historically experienced dis– crimination. United Front also serves as an educational resource for the University of San Diego community and aids the university in developing a campus community that is culturally diverse and responsive to changing local, regional, and national demographics.

HACKY SACCLUB Founded in 1992 , the Hacky Sac Club was created to cater to stu– dents who enjoyed the sport. Ac– cording to Co-Founder Brandy Groves, "A group of us would just get to– gether and hack." "We learn a lot from each other, make new friends, learn new tricks. There are some really good hackers in the club," said Groves. There are currently twelve people in the organization. However, the club is actively going to encourage membership. The Hacky Sac Club were enthusiastic participants in the Giving Tree donation drive.

Clubs and Organizations

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