Alcalá View 1985 2.1
Human Resources
A sacred trust
Changes, changes
By Judith Munoz Y ou used to know us as Pe rsonnel. Now we've cha nged our nam e to Huma n Resources to refl ect some important cha nges in our depa rtment. We think these ch an ges will a llow us to d elive r bette r services to USO employees a nd offices. One cha nge you'll notice immedia tely is a reorganization of the du ties of the Huma n Resources s ta ff. Lou Hassan is concentrating he r time in the a reas of ben efi ts a nd compensa tion . Calista Davis has been promoted to a new professiona l pos ition , a nd is coordina ting the emp loyme n t a nd training fun ctions. Pam Bourne replaces Ca lista as office ma nager respons ible for the pe rsonnel records fun ction . Pa m's position as recep tionist has been fill ed by Carol Roybal. Socorro Vazquez continues in he r position as records assistant. Revised staff pe rsonnel policies also become effective Septembe r 1. Supervisory workshops we re held to inform supervisors on the cha nges in policies. Copies of the policies a re availa ble in depa rtments, at the Copley Libra ry and in Huma n Resources. 'Two important policy cha nges tha t you s hould ta ke note of: *Employees now will earn t hree weeks of vacation a fte r t hree years of service. The old policy required five years. *Employees in their probationa ry pe riod now may use earned sick leave during tha t pe riod . The forme r policy required comp letion of the proba tiona ry pe riod before s ick leave cou ld be used . Employees soon will rece ive a policy ha ndbook from Huma n Resources t ha t conta ins basic employee policy informa tion . The ha ndbooks will be distributed in Septembe r. If you have a ny questions a bou t staff pe rsonnel policies ask yo u r supe rviso r or call Huma n Resources, ex t. 4 594 . All emp loyees s hould be knowledgeab le a bout t he policies which con t rol t heir rights. respons ibili ties a nd wo rking condi tions. I a m availa ble to talk to groups of employees a bou t policies. Depa rtm ent heads m ay con tact m e to schedule a presenta tion . •
By Bill Munz F or those not familia r with safety, the Uni- versity th roug h the efforts of the Sa fety Com- mittee maintains a n ongo- ing sa fe t y program on campus. This insures tha t the University community, including s ta ff, facu lty a nd s tudents, is provided with a Employee runners-up Th e r e were three run- ners-up to Employee of the Year Renate Valois. The three: Peggy Ager- ton, senior secretary in the Educational Developme nt Ce nte r ; Loui s Magana , physical plant; and Karen Reed, s ec re tary, s t ude nt affairs. A sc reening committee composed of fac ulty a nd administ rators r ev iewe d the nam es of those nomi- na ted for the awa rd . The commi ttee s ubmit ted the na mes of the four fin a lis ts to President Author Hughes , Monsignor I . Brent Eagen , a USO trust ee: a nd Peggy Thrailkill '65 , president of the Alumni Associa tion , for fin a l cons ideration . •
sa fe a nd healthy environ- m ent. The Sa fety Commi ttee is comprised of m embers rep- resenting a cross-section of the University community. This a llows a wide dissemi- nation of sa fe ty-related in - forma tion , as well as pro- viding valua ble inpu t. The Committee h a s bee n in- volved in safety and fire in- sp ec tions, safe ty rec om - m e nda tions , acc ide nt re- views, s ubmission of pro- posed safe ty policy, a nd various safety classes. If you have a n idea, ob- serve a hazard , wis h to s ub- mit a recommenda tion , or jus t vo ice a n o pini o n . please con tac t m e in t he Sa fe ty a nd Security Office. ext. 4 517. Your inpu t is im- portan t; withou t it a ll of us lose. Sa fety is indeed a sa- c r e d tru s t. d ese r v in g o f yo ur commi t m e n t a nd s upport. •
Bill Munz is d epu ty chief of Saf ety a nd Secu ri ty.
Judith Munoz is d irector of Human Resources.
t !S)Universily ol' &an Die8o
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