Alcalá View 1985 2.1
rial, types class exams, fac ulty correspondence and proposals, and offers an emphathetic ear to stu dents' problems and ques tions. Seated comfortably at her typewriter, and sur rounded by walls papered with cat photos, Valois says she is quite content with her working environment. Sh�s thought about appl� ing for other positions at USD, but is very happy where she is. "Since I've been here so long," she notes, "it's almost like a family rather than a typical office relationship." • 77 receive • service awards A lotal of77 staffem ployees received service awards al the Staf f Appreciation Pic nic July 31. Before presenting service pins lo employees, USD President Author E. Hughes noted "how very much the University appre ciates the contributions of its employees. The people who make up our commu nity are the most impor tant part of USD." Service award winners are listed on page 3.
Valois employee of the year
By Sera Schmitt
D uring the 16 years Renate Valois has worked as a faculty secretary at USD, nothing unusual hap pened, she attests. No blow ups in the chemistry department-just an occa sional call warning there was a bomb down there. ··sut. that's nothing unu sual." she insists. On July 31, something memorable happened for Valois. At the first Staf f Ap preciation Picnic she was awarded the honor of Staff Employee ofthe Year 1985. "I had no idea I was be ing considered,'' says Va lois. "and would like to thank the faculty-and es pecially Dr. Hughes and the committee-for sup porting me among all the fine candidates:· The only regret Valois has is that her husband, USD psychology professor John Valois, wasn·t on campus to share her excite ment. He was studying un der a grant at the Univer sity of Marburg in West Germany. Valois met her husband at USD. where she began workingjust three months
1985 Staff Employee of the Year Renate Valois was honored with a silver anniversary clock at the Staff Appreciation Picnic. Her name also will be inscribed on a permanent plaque to be placed near the Human Resources Office in DeSales Hall.
tended business school in southern Germany and worked as executive secre tary for a real estate invest ment firm in Mannheim. Now she works as a faculty secretary in the chemistry. fine arts and environmen tal studies departments. She handles budget mate-
after her immigration from West Germany in 1969. She was hired by the late Dr. Henry Martin. the dean at the time, who thought she had a strong accent. but assured her it wouldn't show when she typed. Valois, who also has a good grasp of French, at-
USO Employees Newsletter
Vol. 2, No. 1
August, 1985
TWo retirement plans now available: TIAA-CREF and Scudder
New salary, classification plans
yo ur p la n account- a nd c han ges b et wee n funds m ay b e m a d e without cha rge. USD employees w ill re- ce ive informa tion s hortly on the funds direc tly from Scudde r, as well as s ig n-up forms. As a n a ddition a l service. qua rte rly activity re ports wi ll be provide d a long with n ews le tte r s which address a varie ty of inves tment a nd fin a n c ia l topics. The Unive rsity will not recommend one pla n ove r the othe r. The Huma n Re- sources office will be ha ppy to provide in formation on e it he r plan to a id you in your decision-making. Ca ll Lou Hassan, ex t. 4594, if you have questions. •
USO now offe rs two re- tirem ent pla ns: The TIAA- CREF' plan that has a lways been availa ble, a nd a new p lan that offers a group of nine no-load mutua l fund s. The mutua l fund pla n is offered by Scudde r, Stevens & Clark, a n inde pe nde nt inves tme nt couns e l firm which was founded in Bos- ton in 19 19. The plan offers investors a choice of money marke t , inc ome, growth a nd inte rnationa l invest- men ts. All Scudde r funds a re no- load (c ommission fr ee ). This m eans that 100 pe r- cent of your contribu tions a re invested in the fund or funds of your choice. You pay no charges for estab- 1 is hi n g or m a intain in g
By Jack Boyce B eg inning in S e p- tembe r we will im- plement an upgrad- ed staff salary struct ure a nd n ew c lassification pla n . A copy of the 1985- 86 staff salary structu re and classification pla n is included in this newsle tte r. To develop the classifica- tion plan the Human Re- sources office, with th e assistance of an advisory committee. rev iewed th e job descriptions of a ll staff employees. Positions we re revi ewe d on the basis of their fun c tions and respon- s ibilities a nd were accord- ing ly placed in an a ppro- priate pay grade. The dolla r ranges for the pay grades were th e n d ete rmin e d based upon compariso n s w ith local pay rates a nd Unive rsity budgeta ry re- stri c tions.
Effec tive S e ptembe r 1, those employees whos e c urre nt pay is below t h e minimum of t h e ir pay grade will receive a pay ad- justment. If you have ques- tions about your pay ra te or pay grade, ask your s upe r- visor or contact t he Huma n Resources office, DeSales 100, ext. 4594. Staff employees a re a vi- tal part of the Unive rsi ty operations. By providing ef- fective and energe tic sup- po rt to t h e facu l ty a nd a dmini stration , our Uni- ve rs ity will co ntinu e to prospe r. • Jack Boyce is vice pres ident for .financia l affairs. Ernie Grijalva , law s c h oo l adm iss ions: two passes to the zoo a nd d in- ne r for two at TG! Fridays in Mi ss ion Vall ey. Mary Durnin . a dmi s- s ions : a c ruise fo r two on the Inva de r a nd dinne r fo r lwo at t he Cha rt House. Carl Boals. m ed ia ce n- te r: two ti c ke ts lo the Slar- 1 ig h l Th ea tre a nd dinn e r fo r two a l Cafe in lhe Valley. Calista Davis oflhe Hu - m a n Resources offi ce ex- te nd s th a nks lo t h ose bu s in esses who don a ted pri zes. •
Prize • winners
Door prize winne rs at t he Ju ly 3 1 Slaff App rec ia tion Picnic we re : Brad Bates . ph ys ical pla nt: four complimentary lunches and dinne r fo r two a l El Tecolole. Karin Tynes. fin a ncia l a id : two passes lo Disney- la nd . Kay Norton . Registrar's office: lwo passes lo th e Wild Anima l Park and the Hungry Hunte r.
Dr. Carol Baker, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, serves lunch to Karen House r , student accounts, at the July 31 Staff Appreciation Picnic. In the background is Beckie Castrucci-Noel, student accounts.
Staff Salary Schedule 1985-1986 Grade Base 1st Qtr. Mid-point 3rd Qtr. Maximum 37 .5 40 37 .5 40 37.5 40 37 .5 40 37 .5 40 4 .76 4 .76 5 .20 5 .20 5.64 5 .64 6 .08 6 .08 6 .53 6 .53 lA 773 825 845 901 917 978 988 1,054 1,061 1. 132 9 ,278 9 ,897 10. 140 10,816 10,998 11,731 11,856 12,646 12.734 13.582 5.49 5.49 6 .00 6.00 6.52 6 .52 7.03 7.03 7.55 7 .55 1B 892 951 975 1.040 1,060 1,130 1,142 1,219 1,227 1,309 10,698 11.411 11.700 12.480 12.714 13.562 13,709 14,622 14.723 15.704 5 .35 5.35 6 .12 6 . 12 6 .89 6 .89 7.66 7 .66 8 .43 8.43 2 869 928 995 1.061 1.120 1.194 1.245 1,328 1,370 1.461 10,431 11.132 11.934 12,730 13,434 14.331 14.937 15,933 16.439 17,534 6 . 15 6 .15 6 .94 6 .94 7.73 7.73 8.52 8.52 9 .31 9.31 3 999 1,066 1. 128 1.203 1.256 1.340 1,385 1.477 1,513 1.614 11,990 12,787 13.533 14.435 15,074 16.078 16,614 17,722 18,155 19,365 7.06 7 .06 7.84 7.84 8 .63 8 .63 9 .41 9.41 10.20 10.20 4 1,148 1.224 1.274 1,359 1,402 1,496 1.529 1,631 1.658 1.768 13,780 14.690 15.288 16.307 16,829 17.950 18,350 19.573 19.890 21,216 8.13 8 . 13 8.98 8 .98 9 .84 9 .84 10.69 10.69 11.55 11.55 5 1,321 1.409 1.459 1,557 1.599 1.706 1,737 1,853 1.877 2,002 15,855 16.9 10 17.5 11 18.678 19. 188 20.467 20.846 22.235 22 .523 24.024 9 .34 9 .34 10.32 10.32 11.31 11.31 12.29 12.29 13.28 13.28 6 1,518 1.619 1.677 1,789 1,838 1,960 1,997 2.130 2. 158 2.302 18,214 19.428 20.124 21.466 22.055 23.525 23.966 25.563 25 .896 27 .622
Staff Employees Classificati on Plan Salary Clerical Library/ Printing Food General Grounds Maintenance Communication Security Data Grade Media Services Services Processing Cus tod ia n I Garden er I IA Housekeeper I Custodian II Garden er II 1B Housekeeper II 2 Asst. I Ope r. Worker
Admin./Exec. Libr. Asst. II Mec ha nic Lead Sta l. Engr. Commun . Tech . Shirt Supvr. DP Ass t. II Asst. I Exec. Media Tec h . Ill Asst. Proj . Mgr. Lead Comp. S ecre tary Oper. Admin./Exec. Cus l. Supvr. Grnds. Supvr. HVAC Supvr. Di vis io n S upvr. Asst. II
Clerical Asst. II Libr. Asst. I Offse t Press PR Cook Irrig. S pec. Electricia n Chief Operator S ecur. Tec h . DP Asst. I Opr. Sr. Secre tary Media Tec h . II FS Unit Leader Equip. Ope r. Carpe nte r Pa tro l Olle r. II Comp. Oper. 4 Fleet Mech . Plumber Drafting Tech .
Cle rical Asst. I Libr. Tech . Bindery Tech. Cook Spec. S ervices Elec. Asst. Opera tor Patrol Officer I Asst. II Lead
Clerk Libr. Tech . Duplicator Asst. Cook Spec. S ervices Pa int Asst. Comm . Officer DP Clerk S ecre ta ry I Store keeper I
Ma int. Mec h . II
6 Hs kp. Supvr. Ma inl. S upvr.
S ecre tary II Media Asst. 'fype/Paste Art. Storekeeper II Custodian Carp. Asst. Lead 3 Media Tech . I Housekeepe r Plumber Asst. Lead Pool Maint. Maint. Mech . I Specia list Painter
S.S. Supvr.
Service award • winners
Villareal, Madeline "Mandy" Wiedower. 15 YEAR Myra Amerson, John Bussey, Salvadore Go- dinez, Mildred Gunther, Theresa Mignogna, Kay Norton, Pat Orbits, Lorna Randolph, Raul Soto, Mary Suesz, Re- nate Valois. 25 YEAR Raul Contreras, Ma- nuel Hernandez, Guil- lermina Vallejo. • Thanks to picnic help Alca la View exte nds a special salu te a nd thank you to those e mployees who planned and carri ed out the July 31 Staff Ap- preciation Picnic: Judith Munoz , Calista Davis, Lou Hassan, Pam Bourne , Socorro "Kily" Vazquez . Carol Roybal. a nd Liberty Griffin of human resources: Betty Chapman a nd Co. of stu - d e nt a ffairs : Shelley Barnes of the print shop: Myrna Cruz of food se rv- ic e: Rudy Spano : th e physical plant crew a nd Barbara Mendelson. law school. • /\l ca la Vi ew i s pu bli s h ed m onthly Augu st throu gh May by th e Publica lions and Hu - ~ a n Resources o ffi ces. Th e new sletter is distributed to all Uni ve rsit y o f San Diego em - ployees. Editorial m a teri al for possi- ble u se in Alcala View sh ould be submitted by th e first of the m onth o f th e desired publica- ti on . Ma terial should be deliv- ered or sent to DcSales 276 .
5YEAR Manuel Ayala, Anne Barker, Julie Bays, Alice Bruns, Jose Car- denas, Margaret "Peg" Conard, Jean Del Guidice, Dorene DeTuri, Melvin "Mark" Draper, Georgette Grimes, Lisa Renee Gunther, Kevin Hirsch, Vina "Molly" Landi, Kathleen Law, Mary Lehto, James Middleton, Philip Milli- gan, Roberto Mira- montes, Susana Miranda, Alejandro Pi- mentel, Enrique Plas- cencia, Philip Plouffe, Juan Reyes, Bonnie Jean Ritenour, Ruth Silva, Frances Swank, Thanh Tran, Thu Van Tran, Gene Trebes, Thomas Wallake, Bar- bara Walsh, Edith Wolcott, Elneta Wor- tham, Joanne Zeter- berg. l0YEAR Roberto Acuna, Mar- garet "Peggy" Agerton, Elizabeth Aleman, June Aleman, Nina Banks, Dora Camacho, Guadalupe Cardenas, James Carter, Jesus DelaTorre, Phyllis Doyle, Marvin "Dusty" Draper, Bethel Elmore, Antonio "Tony" Es- quivel, Robert Ger - hardt, Mary Griffith, Althea Hazlett, Nola Helscher, Sang Hoang, Elizabeth Jungman, Al- len A. Lee, Norma Mo- riarty, Eliseo Ramirez, Manuel Rivera, Thomas Rogers, Emma Sanders, George Stoddart, Ame- lia Valdez, Crisoforo
This was the scene most of the summer next to DeSales Hall, where site preparation is underway for construction of the University Center. Pouring of the building's foundation is scheduled for September.
Center soon to take shape By John Sutherland I t won·t be long before t h e University Center begins taking s hape on th e site of the fo rmer De- Sa les Hall parking lot. The bui lding pad for the $9 mi llion center s hou ld be comp le te d on or by S e p- te mb e r 1. acco rdin g to John Zeterberg. director of physical plant. Pouring o f the fo undation will occur la te r in S eptembe r. Work on th e s tee l fram ework is schedu led lo begi n in Oc to- be r. S ile pre paration has re- quir cl more time than an- li c ipa lc d bec aus e of th e exte nsive soi l re compac - ti on work requ ired . Ze te r- be rg says. The Un ive rsity Ce nte r is sch edu led for comple tion by the fa ll of 1986. ll will h o u se stud e nt affairs-
re lated offices and m ea l se rvice fac ili ties. Other co nstruction in progress or about to begin inc ludes: *Completion of the north pe rimeter road around the University Center a nd con- struction of a parking lot between the center a nd De- Sales Hall. Scheduled for comp letion by the start of the sc hool yea r, the pro- j ects s hould be fini s hed by mid- to late September, Ze- terberg proj ects. *A fo rmer warehouse lo- c ate d on t h e Univers ity Ce nte r s ite is be ing reas- s emb led east of the te nni s courts near the Sports Ce n - te r. The bu il ding will be- come a we ight room for th e Unive rsity·s ath le ti c team s. *An e nl a rged Fie ldhou e pa rking lot is just a bout rea dy to go into s e rvi ce. The lot now can accommo- cl a le a n a dditiona l 23 1 ve- hicl es. * En la rg e m e nt of th e Ha rm on Ha ll parking lot a nd work on the sou th pe- rime te r road be tween Ha r- mon a nd the law libra ry s hou ld b e c omp le te d by S e ptem ber 1. •
Human Resources
A sacred trust
Changes, changes
By Judith Munoz Y ou used to know us as Pe rsonnel. Now we've cha nged our nam e to Huma n Resources to refl ect some important cha nges in our depa rtment. We think these ch an ges will a llow us to d elive r bette r services to USO employees a nd offices. One cha nge you'll notice immedia tely is a reorganization of the du ties of the Huma n Resources s ta ff. Lou Hassan is concentrating he r time in the a reas of ben efi ts a nd compensa tion . Calista Davis has been promoted to a new professiona l pos ition , a nd is coordina ting the emp loyme n t a nd training fun ctions. Pam Bourne replaces Ca lista as office ma nager respons ible for the pe rsonnel records fun ction . Pa m's position as recep tionist has been fill ed by Carol Roybal. Socorro Vazquez continues in he r position as records assistant. Revised staff pe rsonnel policies also become effective Septembe r 1. Supervisory workshops we re held to inform supervisors on the cha nges in policies. Copies of the policies a re availa ble in depa rtments, at the Copley Libra ry and in Huma n Resources. 'Two important policy cha nges tha t you s hould ta ke note of: *Employees now will earn t hree weeks of vacation a fte r t hree years of service. The old policy required five years. *Employees in their probationa ry pe riod now may use earned sick leave during tha t pe riod . The forme r policy required comp letion of the proba tiona ry pe riod before s ick leave cou ld be used . Employees soon will rece ive a policy ha ndbook from Huma n Resources t ha t conta ins basic employee policy informa tion . The ha ndbooks will be distributed in Septembe r. If you have a ny questions a bou t staff pe rsonnel policies ask yo u r supe rviso r or call Huma n Resources, ex t. 4 594 . All emp loyees s hould be knowledgeab le a bout t he policies which con t rol t heir rights. respons ibili ties a nd wo rking condi tions. I a m availa ble to talk to groups of employees a bou t policies. Depa rtm ent heads m ay con tact m e to schedule a presenta tion . •
By Bill Munz F or those not familia r with safety, the Uni- versity th roug h the efforts of the Sa fety Com- mittee maintains a n ongo- ing sa fe t y program on campus. This insures tha t the University community, including s ta ff, facu lty a nd s tudents, is provided with a Employee runners-up Th e r e were three run- ners-up to Employee of the Year Renate Valois. The three: Peggy Ager- ton, senior secretary in the Educational Developme nt Ce nte r ; Loui s Magana , physical plant; and Karen Reed, s ec re tary, s t ude nt affairs. A sc reening committee composed of fac ulty a nd administ rators r ev iewe d the nam es of those nomi- na ted for the awa rd . The commi ttee s ubmit ted the na mes of the four fin a lis ts to President Author Hughes , Monsignor I . Brent Eagen , a USO trust ee: a nd Peggy Thrailkill '65 , president of the Alumni Associa tion , for fin a l cons ideration . •
sa fe a nd healthy environ- m ent. The Sa fety Commi ttee is comprised of m embers rep- resenting a cross-section of the University community. This a llows a wide dissemi- nation of sa fe ty-related in - forma tion , as well as pro- viding valua ble inpu t. The Committee h a s bee n in- volved in safety and fire in- sp ec tions, safe ty rec om - m e nda tions , acc ide nt re- views, s ubmission of pro- posed safe ty policy, a nd various safety classes. If you have a n idea, ob- serve a hazard , wis h to s ub- mit a recommenda tion , or jus t vo ice a n o pini o n . please con tac t m e in t he Sa fe ty a nd Security Office. ext. 4 517. Your inpu t is im- portan t; withou t it a ll of us lose. Sa fety is indeed a sa- c r e d tru s t. d ese r v in g o f yo ur commi t m e n t a nd s upport. •
Bill Munz is d epu ty chief of Saf ety a nd Secu ri ty.
Judith Munoz is d irector of Human Resources.
t !S)Universily ol' &an Die8o
Publications Office DeSa les Ha ll Room 276
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