Alcalá View 1980 2.3

Page 4 - Alcala Vi ew - November, 1980

Share you r expe ri ences and ideas with oth er USO employees by writin g tr Personn el Office. Alcala View in no endo rses any of th e se rvices, busin esse,, o r ideas presented. FUN PLACES TO GO : Wild Animal Park, Admission about S6.50 w ith discount ca rd (in cludes tram ride). Don't mi ss the Ca ni ne and Bird ~hows! If possibl e, brinr, lunch; food ex pen sive. CLASS I Fl EDS WANTED - Cabin in th e mountains. Sleeps at lease six. For 3-day weekend in January. Contact Lo rraine X4594. BABYSITTI NG WANTED - Responsib le 13 yr. old des ires eveing babysitting jobs. with in 3-mil e radi us of USO. Contact Fran, X4305 quick scene but whi ch, if th readed through the film , cou ld have ad d ed some needed philosophi ca l wei ght. John Hurt (Caligula in th e PBS " I, Claud ius" series) plays M errick and has been gettin g raves. With an actor under so mu ch latex, it's almost impossible to measure th e quality o f hi s performan ce; my own hunch is that he doesn 't deserve th e plaudits: the ro le ( the physical appearance are so sup charged that merely passab le acting could be taken for superior. At last th ere's a producer who refuses to use day-glow co lor willy-n illy; th e black-and-white is a relief to th e bombarded eye of th e fil mgoer, and contributes to th e evocati on of dark life in dark Victo ri an London. If you feel your sensiti vity quotient dropping in th e Computer Age, thi s is a fi lm wh ich wi ll raise it. Th e Alcala View is publ ished nin e times per year by t he Personnel Department o f USO. Editor: Lorrain e Watson. Ass istant Ed itor: Michael Reynolds. Editorial Board: Sa ra Fin n, Sue Howell, DeForest Strunk, Fran Swank, Sandra Edelman, Joa n Murry. Pro du ction: Linda Ash and Michael Denaco. Overall content of the news lette r is determ ined by th e Editorial Boa rd , whi ch holds open meetings each month. Arti/i written express the op inions of th e aut\ We wel come contributions. The Editor res erves the right to ed it copy for space and content.


S.E.A. BOARD MEETING - 10-15-80 P. Agerton , Presiden t Pro Tern, opened th e mee ting in the absence of a President. Options were discussed as to th e most expedie nt met hod of fi llin g the presidential vacancy. After discussion it was decid ed th at nomination from the Board would take pl ace. M otion was made to appoint Maureen Herri ll Pres ident, such term to run until the next electi o n. Moti on ca rried. As Herri ll had to vacate the office o f Vice Presid ent, a motio n was made to appoint Dave Navarro 35 Vi ce Presid ent. Motion carri ed. Comm itt ees were formed and appointments made. The names of the Committee members will be published in the next edition. Maureen Herrill and Debbi e Gough were appointed as S.E.A. representatives to t he Budget Committee meetings. ***** ***NEXT MEETI NG - TUESDAY- November 25, 2 p.m. Serra********

MO VIE REVIEW @•>@•®@•<-•~·;;)@• >@• ®®®®®®®®®@®@®®@®@®®@@®@®®®®@@@®@@ by Sandra Edelman

f HE ELEPHANT MAN. Th e ex traordin ary 'iumanity of t hi s tru e story overs hadows the film's arti sti c flaws - primaril y ones of balance in ed iting and scriptin g. Imp ec– cabl e perfo rman ces by John Gielgud (who probably neve r gave a peccable perform– an ce in his li fe) and Anthony Hopkins, as

Frederick Treves, th e docto r w ho saves the life of John Merrick, th e " elep hant man." It's in the chara cter of Treves that the scriptwrite rs missed th eir bet, fa il ing to fo llow up on Treves' moral d ilemma about his motives in tak in g Merrick under his wing - a confli ct suggested in a single

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Give th e word for the definition . Place the letter in the corresponding number below to find our message.

1 A Donated






2 B Lane





3 C Bees make it






4 D Door ope ner




5 E Important people (Abbrev.)





2000 pounds




7G Wed ding band





- --- -------- 1B 28 3E 4B 3E


lOD llE 12A 13G 14A 15E 16E 17G


6F 7C

20A 21 E 22C 23G 24D 25 F 26C 27D

188 19C

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