Alcalá 1986
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Construction of the $9 million niver– sity Center on the campus of the niver– sity of San Diego began in early Septem - ber. Originally, the start of construction of the 76,000 foot, three-level building was set for July 15, but grading and soil compaction required more time than an– ticipated, according to John Zeterberg, USO physical plant director. The site where the center is being built had been a dumping ground for uncom - pacted soil in the 1950 , when some of the fir t campus buildings were con - tructed. The ite was later transformed into a parking lot, a use chat did not require compacted soil. But, Zeterberg said, if the soil remained uncompacced, the niversicy Center could be damaged when the soil settled under the heavy weight of the tructure. The delay, however, is not expected to push back che Fall 1986 opening of the HISTORY che First Testifier to present his case to the commission. Other speakers were ounty uperv1sor usan Golding and Jean Bowe , chairwoman of the local chapter of the Commi sion. The patriotic speeches continued through the morning until the meeting was adjourned after two testifiers for whom the ommission wa waiting to hear were confirmed to be unable to arrive. The audience got co get a feeling for where each of the commissioner have come from as Burger went around the cable introducing the ix - teen member that were pre ent. Each of them expre ed their thanks to the University and Professor iegan for their ho pitalicy.
facility , which has been described as the future "living room of the campus". The center will house a lounge, Stu· dent and faculty dining areas, student af– fairs offices, a game room, a student union office, student publicanons and conference rooms. Currently, student of– fices and food ervices are spread throughout campus. The Untversity Cen– ter is being built JUSt ea t of DeSales Hall, and will be designed in 16th century panish Renaissance, conformmg to the rest of the campus. In late October the steel went up and we were able to see the building taking shape. Trepte Construction Company is the general contractor in charge of con- cruccion. Presently, things are gomg ahead of schedule. We are all looking forward to its completion and its opening chis coming fall.
U.S. (D.) The Commission on the Bicenten - nial of the niced tates Con ticucion, the teachers of the Lesson in civics, held their first public hearing on Monday, February 3, 1986, at SD's Camino Theater. In a scheduled four hour meeting, che commission, which is chaired by upreme Court Justice Warren Burger, heard testimony from several educa– tional and political representatives, mostly from southern California. The Bicentennial Commission was created by the 9 th ongre s last year to " ... promote and coordinate ac– tivities to commemmorate the Bicen– tennial of the Consicution," which will cake place on eptember 17, l 7. SD Pre idem Author Hughes wa
Comtru tion began on the new student center in Fall of 1985. Hopefully, it 's doors will be open on time in the Fall of 1986.
Chiefju,rice Warren Burger
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