Alcalá 1986


AMERICA'S FINEST CITY?? The big news in San Diego in 1985 was the trials and errors of Mayor Roger Hedgecock. For the past two years he had been plagued by charges from the San Diego Union and the District Attor– ney· office that he had not properly ob– tained and declared campaign funds for his re-election as Mayor. The funds had come from USO alumni J. David Dom - minell1 and ancy Hoover of the J. David Company. went bankrupt and suffered from a stroke during his trial. ancy Hoover, his asso– ciate and Hedgecock's friend, will be on trial during 1986. Another big news story in San Diego were the fires that swept through North Park in the summer of 1985. Brush fires have always been a great problem in California as well as San Diego County. It was usually confined to uninhabited areas with the exception of a few maior fires that swept through the Western United States.

He has been charged with 13 counts of breaking election rules, not declaring funds properly and committing perjury during trials on the charges. At first he had been convicted. During the appeal Hedgecock had been cleared of 12 of those charge . Unfortunately for Hedge– cock, 13 proved to be an unlucky num– ber. He appealed again . Hedgecock claimed that the jury was tampered with. The courts didn't agree with him. He finally resigned after a two year battle in ovember 1985. Domminelli was convicted of inve t– ment fraud when his J. David company

In the summer of 1985, a section of orth Park was burnt to the ground as a brush fire from areas between highway 8 and 805 moved up the canyon. The dam– ages cost several million dollars. Horton Plaza was given the Cinderella treatment this year. Once a home for the transient papulation of an Diego it sud– denly became a center of high fa hion as the ew Horton Plaza Mall was opened. The San Diego City Council ha been working for years to upgrade the down– town area. First the Gaslamp district wa upgraded then came Horton Plaza. It's

goal i to make the downtown area a livable area for office workers, new con– dominium developments and improve downtown busine se . The result of the Horton Plaze project was a multi-level mall that used no less than 30 different types of architecture. It hou es many department store , bou - tique , novelty hops, restaurants, and a movie theatre. nfortunately, the 30 dif– ferent type of architecture make it look like Disneyland on a bad day. Other improvement around town in– clude the planning of a new convention center. the cleaning up of San Diego Harbor of old houseboats, the renovation of the . . Grant Hotel, and the San Diego ymphony moving to a permanent home at the old preckle Theatre.

Former Mayor Roger Hedgeco k.

In the summer of 1985 California was struck hy a series of hrush fires. T"'o of the biggest fire., .. ere here in an Diego as parr, of orth Park and east county went up in flames.


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