Alcalá 1986
Coca- ola . The Real Thing. Or, should it be .. . Coca Cola . The Fickle Thingl Or, is
it. Coca Cola · the marketing disaster of the yearl Confusedl Well, don't be. Coca Cola is more con– fused than any con– umer. Thi year, Coca Cola decided to change its taste. For the fir t time in al– most 80 some-off years, the formula, with the famous X ingredient, was al. tered. The last alter– anon was the remov– al of the cocaine de– rivative to conform to federal law at the turn of the century. The change of the for mu la to ew Coke in '85 resulted in mass complaint and a tarnishing of a ational image. Coca Cola sought to improve their hare of the cola market. nfortu - natcly, this resulted 1n a drop in sales and the gain of a sub– stantial part of the market to Pep IC<>. Thi hock made
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn– drome. A disease carried by some Hai– tians, hemophiliacs, and homosexuals. It has caused a hysteria in this nation and throughout the world. At the present time, 1t is incurable and nearly always fatal. It has made America stop and think about lifestyles. It has made the medical community scramble to find a cure. Throughout thi year, medicine has had to cope with the spectre of AIDS. Transmitted through blood transfusions and sexual contact, the doctor of this nation have had to take steps to insure t hat the disease would not spread. The increa ed emphasis on correct equipment usage and the quarantining of the infect– ed in hospitals has resulted. Also taking place is the literal race with death to find a cure. Something of which still eludes the researchers.
America has met this disease with paranoia. Parents fear their children will be infected in school. Paramedics have refused to help homesexuals in need of first aid without specific equipment, Pris– on guards now don riot gear that looks like anti-chemical warfare suits. Women now have lost the gleam in their eyes for Rock Hudson. And finally, Falwell ha called it the rage of God brought to life. With the death of Rock Hud on in the summer of 1985, the most apparent suf– ferer of this plague, the homesexuals, are now taking steps to prevent its spread. Contraception devices once laughed at are now being used. There has been also a decrease in the promiscuity of both ho– mosexual and heterosexual communities as the realization that even a "kiss" (Rock Ilud on and Linda Evans) may be fatal.
Coke come out with Coke Clas 1c (the old formula), but still the company suffered a loss. It seem that Coke learned the hard way what some companie already knew Don't ever change a good thing . BETTER LATE THAN NEVER In L985 the veterans of the Vietnam War were finally officially welcomed home. A me– morial wa built in Washingmn D.C. to com– memorate tho e who died in service of our country.
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