Alcalá 1986


USA NEWS The Reagan-Gorbachev ummit presents interesting examples of International maturity. Hard to decide between Reagan"s offer to hold his breath on arms control until he turns blue or Gorbachev·s offer to dismantle five percent of half of some of the missiles he hasn"t deployed anyway and you "re it and no tags back. Madonna appeared nude in the September issues of Playboy and P enthouse, causing a flood of mail, much of it packages, many containing Lady chick razors and Jane Fonda workout books. The John Walker avy spy case has knocked a lot of the James Bond glamour off the espionage trade. Turns out Walker be– trayed hi country to pay back caxe after his car- tereo shop went under. ""Miami Vice"' has, once and for all, an– swered the question, "' What could be worse than music videos(" The census bureau report the poverty rate fell. As usual, it fell on some poor people. Front page news not worthy of reporting: Duran Duran lead mger imon Le Bon al– most, but not quite, drowned in a boating accident. The ma sive popularity of Bruce Spring– teen has alerted America to a dangerous col – lap e in our economy"s manufacturing ector. The administration"s moves to remedy the sit– uation has been modest to date, but we are the only country in the world with an industrial policy that has a driving beat and saxophone backup. Hulk Hogan replaced Michael Jackson as the premier American male ex symbol m 1985. The change m caste wa part of a con– tinuing national shift from confu ed to tupid. ineteen Eighty-Five will also be remem– bered as the year in which the amount of news media finally exceeded the amount of news. The result was eventeen day of 24-hour cov – erage of ab olutely nothing happening with the American ho cages m Beirut, more stones about Pete Ro e than a sane man could bear, a long hard look up the President"s no e, 11,000 feature piece on the lump in the computer industry, and o on and o forth . ··sad new travels fa t and far,"" Plutarch noted but no new I broad cast at the speed of light. (Excerpts taken from "'The Year of Living -~tupidly" from Rolling cone by PJ. O'Rourke.)

The 5earch for a cause at Dallas International Airport.


At times, the Cold War seemed very warm. This heightened temperature did not come from overt military force or the testing of weapons in client states. The Cold War warmed at the murkiest level of the world pol111cal lake· the level of the spy. Both the East and West learned of their own vulner– ability. They both learned chat no one can be trusted . Thi year saw the expo ition of three ma1or cases: the Walkers, Chin, and Yur– chenko. All have made governments reexa– mine their covert operation . The mo t frustrating problem for the nit· ed tates was the Walker family. A father, on, and uncle were involved with passing on e – cret avy positions to the oviet for many years. This hock sent waves through the Na– val hierarchy. They questioned the bureaucra– cy that determine who gets Top ecret rat– mg . I chi too easily attained! What hould be done' Both question were asked many times by the avy, Dept. of Defen e, and Congress. As a result, chis family i now beini-: trted for e~p1onage. Another wave that hocked the nited tate wa the presence of a ··mole·· in the

IA. Mr. Chin, a Chinese Affairs analy t for the CIA, had been pa ing secrets for over 30 years. Thi brought to light that not even the IA is free from being infiltrated Both of these cases were a result of an American characteristic avarice. The Walker and Chin were motivated by money . This is a ad ac~nowledgement of American ethics. The nited tatcs did not uffer alone. The ov1et met with a urpn e also. A KGB oper– ative in West Germany defected. Mr. Yur– chenko, one of the leaders of KGB operations in the West, left the Ea t for some time in the spring and summer. This windfall was enJoyed by the nited tates for ome time. An en1oy– ment that ended when Yurchenko defeeted back to the R o one know this agent"s rea ons or what ha really resulted from this e capade It has become an example of how Jelicate movement must be at thi~ level. Espionage of the human ort came to the forefront thi year. It made headline like cechnolog,cal espionage did in the previous years. It is a problem chat will not fade over time.

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