2004 USD Fact Book



Parents Handbook Call (619) 26o-48o8 or vi sit http:/ / parents.sandiego. edu/handbook.htm

Parent Relations From Summer Send-Offs for new students to

Executive Officers and Trustees

philanthropic, volunteer and service opportunities, the Office of Parent Relations is the on-campus resource for USD parents . Call for a copy of the 2003-04 Parents Handbook, a comprehensive guide for parents of incoming freshmen including descriptions of dubs and organizations, campus facilities and resources and emergency information.

Mary E. Lyons President Fra ncis M. lazrus Provost Pau l Bissonette Vice President, Finance and Administration Dan iel Dillabough Vice President, Mission and Uni1,1ersity Relations Robert B. Pastoor Vice President, Student Affairs

Liam E. McGee Choir Michael t Thorsnes Vice Chair Robert Hoehn Secretary

Frank Aless io Manuel Barba , M.O. R. Donna M. Baytop, M.D. Roy E. Bell Allen J. Blackmore John 0 . Boyce The Most Reverend Robert H. Brom Sandra A. Brue Gregg Carpenter Daniel Derbes Reverend Monsignor William E. Elliot Ron l. Fowler Wi lliam Geppert Patricia M. Howe Sister Kathleen Hughes , R.S.C.J. John T. lynch Mary E. Lyons Douglas F. Manchester Henry Nordoff Sister Gertrude Patch , R.S.C.J . Reverend Monsignor Lawrence Purcell John M. Robbins Wi lliam H. Scripps Darlene Shiley Peter J. Hughes William D. Jones Margot Kyd

College of Arts and Sciences Patr ick F. Or inan

Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science Sa lly Brosz Hardin

School of Business Administration Curti s W. Cook

School of Education Pa ul a A. Cordeiro

School of l aw Da niel 8. Rodriguez

Herbert M. Tasker A Eugene Trepte Yolanda Walther·Meade William J. Zures

limily o( Donald and Darlene Sltlloy made the largest donation in its lonl history of philanthropy in 2002, I $10 million leade11hlp gift for the Donald P. Shiley Center for Sdena! and Technoiol)', the largest academic

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