2004 USD Fact Book
USD Telephone and Web Directory
a, Di
H11u 1n (619) ,6o-4m housing.sand iego.edu/ ,b
(619) 26o-46oo www.sandiego.edu
Copley Library (6 19) 2 6o-4799
Undergraduate (619) 26o-4506 (8oo) 248-4873 www.sandiego.edu/ugadmiss Graduate (619) 26o-4524 www.sandiego.edu/gradmiss
mar ian.sandiego.edu legal Research Center (619) 26o-4541 www.sandiego.edu/lrc
Mar" ting and Stnh
Part, r tiirs
(619) 26o-46go www.sandiego.edu/marketing
School of Law (619) 26o-4528 www.sa ndiego.edu/usd1aw/admiss.shtml
P ~~ation (619) 26o-48o8 parents.sandiego.edu
(619) 26o-4819 alumn i.sandiego.edu/
P• ide 1t Offic (619) 26o-4520 www.sandiego.edu/pres ident
Atn1 (619) 26o-48o3 usdtore ros.com
Public Relat ions (619) 26o-4681
Be,\ (619) 26o-4551 www.usdbookstore.com
Pubh Safety (619) 26o-2222 safety.sandiego.edu
s-hoc ofBusin
(619) 26o-4654 www.sandiego.edu/careers of Art• and Sc .nci (619) 26o-4545 www.sandiego.edu/as
(619) 26o-4830 business.sandiego.edu Sl h :N ,r Educauon (619) 26o-4538 www.sandiego.edu/soe School of Law (619) 26o-4527 www.sandiego.edu/usdlaw :h lo! of Nu~ing nd -i, (619) 26o-4548 www.sandiego.edu/nursing/ Uni rs1tyMintstry (619) 26o-4735 www.sandiego.edu/Ministry
Commun y Lr• Cov1 mm 1t
(619) 26o-4659 www.sandiego.edu/communications
IOPffl 11 (619) 26o-4820 giving@sandiego.edu
S, ,ce
Contmu1ng Educ.Jl1c (619) 26o-4585 www.sandiego.edu/continuing_education
Finan, I A1d Undergraduate/Graduate (619) 26o-4514 www.sandiego.edu/financial_aid
School of law (619) 26o-4570 www.sa ndiego.edu/usdlaw/fin_aid.shtml
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