USD Women's Tennis 2000
Paola enters her second season with the USO tenni s team where she will pl ay at No. 3 singles, and #2-3 doubl es ... last season fini shed I0-14 in singles -- 5-8 at o. 3, 4-6 at o. 4, and 1-0 at No. 5 ... was 13-9 overa ll in doubl es, and teamed with Kri sta Manning to go 12-8, including a 9-7 mark at No. 2 doubl es ... na111ed to WCC AII-Acade111 ic Team ... prior to USO
she earned a lot of internati onal tenni s experi ence .. . from Mex ico _City, Mex ico, she had a nati onal ranking of #2 in singles and # I in doubl es for U- l 8's ... she parti cipated in the fo llow ing International Tenni s Federation tour- naments -- the Juni or Wimbl edon, the French Open, the Australian Open and the United States Open ... her best results were a quarterfinal doubl es fi ni sh with Brandi s Braver111 an at the Austra li an Open .. . her hi ghest ITF ranking was No. 40 in singles and o. 45 in doubl es ... she was a finalist at the Copa Yucatan Tourna111ent fo r ITF Group 2 players in Yucatan, Mex ico ... she grew up play ing and practi ci ng at the Hacienda Lemaitre Tenni s Academy, the same fac ility used by USO men' s tenni s players German Maldonado and Bernardo Carrill o ... she chose USO fo r its strong academi c program, tenni s and because her famil y li ves nea rby ... born in London, England, she also li ved there between the ages of 5-9 .. . ) besi des tenni s, she enj oys trave ling and shopping ... she was al so re– cruited by BYU ... her parents, Eduardo and Ma Antoni eta Arrango iz, li ve in Mexico City, Mex ico. Major: Business Economics.
HEATHER POLUMBUS 6'1" So. - Englewood, CO Heather enters her second season with the USO tenni s program where she will see considerabl e ac ti on in the bottom half of the line- up, and between #2-3 doubles ... as a fre shman was 8- 10 in singles and 6-9 in doubl es .. . she prepped at Cherry Creek Hi gh Schoo l where she lettered in both tenni s and bas ketball ... she helped her
team to undefeated seasons both her junior and seni or campaigns with the team winning both the regional cha111pionship and state tit les .. . her seni or yea r she was named to the All-Colorado First Team ... during her first two yea rs, the team won reg ional championships and placed 2nd in state her sophomore sea– son and first in her frosh campaign when she was named the tea111 MVP ... she earned All-Centennial League recogniti on all four years... was also selected team captain in both tenni s and basketball ... her seni or year in basketball she was named the team's Most Inspi rati onal Player while earning Honorabl e Men– tion All-State recognition both her junior and senior campaigns ... ranked No. I fo r U- I8's in Colorado, and No. 3 in the Inter Mountain Sec ti on ... also rec ruited by Bay lor, Tu lsa, SMU, Syracuse, Kansas State, Minnesota and Fresno State ... chose USO for strong tenni s program, location and exce ll ent .academic program s .. . parents, Nanc y and Tad Polumbu s, res id e 111 Englewood , Colorado. Major: Communications; Minor: History.
2000 University of San Diego Women 's Tennis -- Home lo Zuzana Lesenarova, / 999 NCAA Division I National Champion
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