USD Women's Soccer 2009

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SOPHOMOf:tE (2008): Played in four matches as a defender and midfielder for the Toreros...helped the team advance to the second ,. r.ound of the NCAA Tournament...helped the defense post a 0.75., ... GAA...helped the team r~ceive a nationalranking as higha s-No. 11. . t.:• . ,t;· ... ~,,., ' Jt'f,.:- ~;Pl· ~ '"''" FRESHMAN (2007): Was a~~ber 1 of the U,:iiversity of Colorado IAlqmen's soccer team, but toolOlo for,the Univer– sity of Ne~ Mexico and swam for.the U.S. Naval A~~emy. Her hol5c ~; bies inci~de skii~gi'snowbci°ardihg and wate~:; kiir_ig'~hd as a child . \ · she participated iri•gymn':st~karate;'i{;::,· ~ . -. ~ '-- . tt ' ~; . F'

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