USD Women's Soccer 2002
2002 Tarera Soccer
Individual, SingleSeason
I4, Stephanie Barnier 2000 14, Aimee Wagstaff, 1998 I I, Miche le Kennedy, I994 34, Aimee Wagstaff, I998 5, Stephanie Barn ier 2000
Assists Point s Game-Winning Goals
5, Sufia Wali , 1999 80, Sufia Wali, 1999
Shot s Games Starts GK Games
2 I, Numerous times , most recently 200 I 2 I, Numerou s ti mes , most recently 200 I 21 , Leila Duren, 1999 2 1, All ison Worden, 1996 20, Lei la Duren, 200 I 20, Whitney Peterso n, I997 20, Alli son Worden, 1996
GK Starts
GK Mi nutes GK Wins
I971 , All ison Worden, 1996 14, Leila Duren, 200 I, 1999 14, Alli son Worden, 1996 I0, Daniel le Lopez, 1992 255 , Whitney Peterson, I997 88, Alli son Worden, 1994 0.62 , Allison Worden, I993 I I, Allison Worden , 1996
GK Losses Shots Faced Saves Lowest GAA S hutouts
200 1 keeper Leila Duren holds or shares USO career goa lkeeping marks in wi ns (49), games (73) and shutouts (26).
4, Aimee Wagstaff vs. CS Hayward, 9- I5-98 3, Alison Benoit vs. San Francisco, 9-26-99 3, Aimee Wagstaff vs. Gonzaga I 1-6-98 3, Sherice Bartling vs. Portland St., 9-9-97 3, Gina Poltl vs. UC Santa Barbara, 9-21-97 3, Dawn Birdsall vs. Gonzaga, I0-7-93 3, Michele Kennedy vs. LMU , 9- I8-93 3. Monica Costell o vs. CS Ful lerton , I0-27-93
Goa ls - Assists -
4, Aimee Wagstaff vs. CS Hayward, 9- 15-98 3, Vanessa Thiele at Long Beach St. , 8-27-99 3, Aimee Wagstaff vs. Texas A&M, 11 - 17-96 9, Aimee Wagstaff vs. CS Hayward, 9-15-98 I I, Sufia Wali vs. Lou isiana State, 9-5-99 19, Alli son Worden vs. Washington , I0-31 -93
Points - Shots - Saves -
lndiVidual, Career
Games Starts Goa ls
78, Vanessa Thiele, 96-99 77, Vanessa Thie le, 96-99 29, Michele Kennedy, 93-96 35, Michele Kennedy, 93-96 93, M ichele Kennedy, 93 -96 I86, Dawn Birdsall , 93-96 7, Aimee Wagstaff, 96-98 73 , Leila Duren , 97-0 1 69, Le il a Duren, 97-0 1 7,496.42 , Leila Duren, 97-01 49 , Leila Duren, 97-0 I 628, Allison Worden, 93-96 279, Allison Worden, 93-96 I.02 , Alli son Worden, 93-96
Ass ists Poi nt s Shot s Game-Winning Goals GK Games GK Starts GK Mi nutes GK Wins Shots Faced Saves Lowest GAA Shu tout s
26, Leil a Duren, 97-0 I Alli son Worden, 93-96
1996 gra duate Mic hele Kennedy is US D's all-time career leader in goa ls (29), assists (35) and points (93).
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