USD Women's Basketball 2007-2008


Medicine balls, dumbbells, gymnastics rings and various pullup stations are used to enhance the training provided for all 16 of USD's varsity sports.

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The USO strength staff ad– voca tes the use of ground based, multi-joint, explosive free weight exercises in the t rai ning of student-ath– letes. USO teams are taught t he clean and jerk, snatch, squa ts, deadlift and the various barbell and dumb– bel l variations. By using the exercises, in combination with intense effort, we be– lieve USO student-athletes w ill be well prepared to meet every physical chal– lenge put to them in com– petition. USD ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE STAFF

Director of Athletic Per– formance Training

Stephane Rochet

Asst. Director of Athletic Per– formance Training

La'Keysha McC/enton


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