USD Women's Basketball 1998-1999

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1998-1999 Torero Basketball

People To Know At USO

A Message From President Hayes As th e president of the University of San Diego, this is my fifth Torero season. I am proud of the USO basketball team and pleased that the univers ity supports the pro– gram in every way possible, including em– phasis on scho larship ass istance, academic excellence, and promotion of interco llegiate athletics. Our stude nt-athletes are winners on and off the co urt. Th ey demonstrate th e va lues that characte rize a USO education - commitme nt, integrit y, teamwork, dis c i– pline, and respec t for the dignity of all hu– m an beings. Th ese are qualities that will he lp them throughout their li ves. I am loo king forward to the coming season and hope that yo u will j o in m e in supporting our team. It 's an exciting sched– ule and promises to be a great yea r.

Dr. Alice 8. Hayes President

Francis M. Laza rus V ice Pres id ent - Provost

Th omas Burke V ice Pres ident - Studen t Affairs

Paul Biss onnette

John McNamara

Msgr. Daniel }. Dillabough Vi ce President - Miss io n & M in istry

Vi ce Pres ident - Fin anc ia l Affairs

Vi ce Pres ident - Un ive rsity Re lati o ns

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