USD Women's Basketball 1996-1997
Athletic Department Staff
Dan Yourg Assistant Athletics Director
Brian Fogarty Associate Director ofAthletics for Athletic Development Brian Fogarty enters hi s first year as USD ' s Associate Director of Athleti cs for Athl etic Development. He takes over thi s new post after spending the past thirteen years as USO ' s head football coach. He directed USD 's football pro-
Assistan t Athl eti cs Director Dan Yourg has been a member of the USO Athleti cs Department since the fa ll of 1985. Yourg oversees football , baseball , men's basketball , go lf, men' s soccer, and men's and women 's tenni s. Yourg serves as the
gram to e leve n seasons of .500 or better records and guided the ir move from the NCAA Di vision III ranks to the NCAA I-AA level in 1993. Hi s primary responsibilities will be with fund ra ising, and marketi ng and promotion s fo r the athl etic department. Brian and hi s wife Vi cki , who res ide in the Scripps Ranch area o f Sa n Diego, have fo ur children: Bridget (a junior at USO), Joe, Co ll een and Megan.
NCAA comp liance coordin ator fo r the entire USO athl etic program . In addition. he is the department li aison to the Uni versity ' s Financi al Aid and Housing O ffices. Yourg rece ived hi s Bac he lor's (Soc iology, 1980) and Master' s (Soc ial Work . 1986) degrees from the Uni versity of Wi scons in, where he was a nose guard on the Badgers' football team. Dan and hi s wife Virgini a, a USO alumnus, are the parents of two sons, John and Thomas.
Suzi Higgins, A.T.C. Assistant Athletic Trainer
Wendy Guthrie Assistant Athletics Director
Wendy Guthri e begins her first year w ith the uni versity as the Ass istant Athl et– ics Direc to r and Seni or Women's Admin– istrator. Guth rie is a 199 1 graduate o f Whittier Co ll ege where she was a member of the cross country team. Upon graduati on she worked as an admi ss ions coun se lor and
Suzi Higgins beg ins her third year as the Ass istant Athl eti c Trainer fo r the Univer– sity o f San Di ego athl eti c department. A 199 1 gradu ate of the University of Northern Colorado, Suzi is working on her master's thes is for Mankato State in Minne– sota. Pri or to her appo intment at USO, Suzi
was the athl eti c trainer for Evergreen Hi gh School in Colorado where she first worked with c urrent USO sophomore Tammy Schroeder. A nati ve o f Love land. Co lorado, Suzi currentl y res ides in La Joll a.
Ass istant Director of Admi ss ions at Whitti er. Guthri e worked fo r a year at Sprin g fi e ld Co ll ege in Massac hu setts and then he ld the pos iti on of Ass istant Direc tor o f Athleti cs at St. Francis Coll ege in Pennsy lvani a. She also has worked with the Co lorado Sports Counc il and ass isted at the 1996 O lympi c Games in Atl anta.
Steve Brown Strength & Conditioning Coach Steve begi ns hi s second year as the Uni – vers ity o f San Diego Strength and Condi – ti oning Coach. He comes to San Diego from Templ e Uni versity in Philade lphi a, Penn sy lvani a, where he was the Ass istant Strength and Conditi on ing Coac h si nce 199 1. A I983 graduate o f Brown Uni versi ty,
Kim Nowak Academic Support Coordinator Ki m has been the Coordin ator of Ath– letic Academi c Support at USO since Janu– ary 1993 . She previously worked at San Diego S tate Un iversity in the Office o f Student Athl ete Academ ic Support Ser– vices, while earning her Master of Arts degree in Ed ucation with an emphas is in coun se ling.
Kim also comp leted her undergraduate wo rk at San Diego State Uni ve rsity in Rec reat ion Admini strati on (concentration in Systems Management). A nat ive Californ ian, Ki m resides in El Cajon.
with a deg ree in Bio logy, Steve was a two-sport letterman in foo tball (de fensive back) and trac k (long jumper). He earned his Master' s deg ree in Human Kineti cs in 199 1 from the Uni versity of Wi scon– sin- Mil waukee. From 1983-90 he was an ass istant foo tball coac h at Wauwatosa East Hi gh Sc hool in Wauwatosa, Wi sconsin, and as– sisted in trac k in 1988 . He is currentl y working on hi s Ph .D in Physica l Ed ucati on (foc us in Exe rcise Phys io logy).
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