USD Women's Basketball 1996-1997
The University of San Diego
Setting The Uni vers ity of San Diego is an independent Catholic instituti on of hi gher educati on. Founded in 1949, USO is located on 180 acres overlook ing Mis– sion Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campu s is named Alcala Park and is located just IO minutes from downtown San Diego. The campu s was named after a Spanish vill age near Madrid - Alcala de Henares. Founded by the Greeks as Complutum, the vill age was later renamed Al Kala (the Castl e) by the Moslems. Chri stian s recaptured the vill age centuri es later and founded a uni versity whose buildings became the inspiration for USD's styl e. The Campus The USO campu s is regarded as one of the most architectura ll y unique in stituti ons in the country, featuring 18 major buildings des igned in an orna– mental 16th century Spanish Renaissance styl e . Since 1984, USO has completed nine major constructi on and ex pansion proj ects. A landscaped fo untain pl aza was fini shed in the fa ll of 1995, con– necting the entrances of the Immacul ata and Hughes Adm inistrati on Center. In 1992, the uni versity compl eted the 45,000 square foo t Loma Hall , wh ich includes an ex pa nded bookstore, a larger mail cen ter, classrooms and labratori es. In 1990, the renovated Katherine M. and George M. Pardee Jr. Legal Research Center opened, a fac ility th at offers the latest in information technology.
US O enro ll s more th an 6,400 students who have a choice of more than 50 undergrad uate and graduate degree programs. The un iversity's academ ic units include the Co ll ege of Arts and Sciences, and the Schoo ls of Business Adm ini stration, Education, Law and Nurs ing. C lass size genera ll y averages between 18-25 studen ts with the student to teacher ratio be– ing 18: I. Over 97 percent of USD's full-time facu lty hold doctorates. In the annu al ratings of the country's colleges and uni ver– siti es, publi shed by U.S. News & World Repor/ , USO moved from the regional to nation al category in 1994 . The uni ver– sity is ranked among the top 100 schools in the nation .
Did You Know? • The University of San Diego was host to the last Presidential Debate this campaign year on October 16. 1996. USO is one of three universities that hosted a Presiden– tial Debate with Wasington University (St. Louis.MO) and Trinity College (Hartford, CT) being the other two. • In 1991 the Library of Congress chose USO (one of only 37 U.S. schools and li– braries) to take part in its American Memory Project (AMP). Through the use of computers and TV monitors, students and faculty can call up original source ma– terials from the Civil War, Continental Congress and other Library of Congress holdings.
Student Life Student activities include cu ltu ra l events, dances, boat cruises, beac h parti es, BBQ's, concerts, comedy ni ghts, symposia and much more . Students participate in a wide range of vo lunteer projec ts such as adult literacy tutoring, seni or c iti ze n outreach , and hou se building in Tijuana. The intramural program is also an inte– gra l part of student life on campus with over two-thirds o f the USO community partaking in intramural sports. Athletics The Uni versity of San Diego is a member of the Wes t Coast Conference fo r nearl y all sports and competes in 16 interco lleg iate sports on the NCAA Di vision I leve l. The footba ll team just compl eted its fourth season in the Pionee r Football League . Women's sports include : bas ketball , crew, cross country, soccer, so ft– ba ll , swimming, tenni s and vo ll ey ball. Men's sports include: baseball. basket– ball , crew, cross country, go lf, football . soccer and tenni s. Since 1990 USO teams ha ve won three conference champi onships and made 12 post-season appearances. USO also has had nine Conference Coac hes of the Yea r. nine Conference Playe rs o f the Year, nine Conference Fres hman o f the Year, three WCC Scho lar At hl etes o f the Yea r and 15 NCAA All -Ameri ca ns.
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