USD Women's Basketball 1996-1997
West Coast Conference
A History of Achievement Since its inception in 1985-86, WCC Women's Basketball has done nothing but prosper. In the last fi ve years, the league has sent eight teams to the NCAAs and two to the NIT. The West Coast Conference started in 1952 as the Ca liforni a Bas ketball Assoc iati on and remained as such until changing its name to the West Coast Athl etic Conference in 1956. The league became known as the West Coast Conference in 1989 . The eight– team alli ance currentl y sponsors thirteen champi onships for women (bas ketball , crew, cross country , go lf, soccer, tenni s, and vo ll ey– ball ) and men (baseball , bas ketball , cross country, golf, soccer and tenni s). The league own s six NCAA automati c pl ayoff bids (women's and men's bas ketball , baseball , women's and men's soc– cer and vo ll eyball ). The conference ali gnment, unchanged since I987, spans the West from Canada to Mex ico and includes: from the Pacific Northwest Gonzaga Uni versity and the Uni ves ity of Portl and ; from the Bay area the Uni versity of San Franci sco, Santa Clara Uni versity and Saint Mary's Coll ege; from the Los Ange les area Loyo la Marymount University and Pepperdine Uni versity; and from San Diego, the Uni versity of San Diego.
West Coast Conference 400 Or.1ter Point Blvd. Suite 22 1 Sowh San Francisco, CA 94080 Plume: (4 15) 873-8622 Fax: (4 15) 873-7846
Commi ss ioner: Mi chae l Gilleran Ass istant Commi ss ioner: Don Ott Ass istant Commi ss ioner: Teresa Kuehn Staff Ass istants: Jennifer Markey, Carl Reed Public Relati ons Ass istant: Brad John son
WCC Tournament History
The WCC Postseason To urn ame nt will be he ld for the sixth year, taking place in conjunction with the me n's to ur– nament, o n the campu s of Loyo la Marymount Uni versity. All e ig ht teams qua lify for the to urname nt whi c h run s Feb– ruary 27th throug h March 2nd. Santa Cl ara ( 1992), Portl and ( 1994), San Franci sco ( 1995 , 1996) a nd the To re ros ( 1993) have a ll wo n to urn a– me nt titles. San Diego made its first to urname nt appearance in 1993 upsetting host Santa Clara, 64-57 , fo r the titl e. The To re ros had knoc ked off Peppe rdine, 83-67 , to reach the fin als.
REGULAR SEASON CHAMPIONS Year 1996 School Po rtl and Overall 23-7
12-2 12-2 13-1 11-3 12-2 10-4 10-4 10-4 13-1 12-2 12-2 11-3 10-2 11-1
24 -8 21-4 2 1-7 19-9
Sa n Franc isco San Franc isco Santa Clara Santa Clara Santa C lara San Franc isco Portl and Santa C la ra
1995 1994 1993 1992
2 1-10 19-10 14 -1 4
28-3 21-7 19 -9 18-9 19 -8 24-9
199 1 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986
St. Mary 's St. Mary's Go nzaga San Franc isco U.S . Inte rn ati o nal
1995-96 wee FINAL STANDINGS wee Pct. Overall Pct. Po rtl and 12-2 .857 23-7 .767 San Fra nc isco 12-2 .857 24-8 .75 0 Santa C lara 8-6 .57 1 14- 13 .5 19 Sa int Mary's 7-7 .500 17- 10 .630 Pe ppe rdine 7-7 .500 15-1 3 .536 San Diego 5-9 .357 12- 16 .429 Loyo la Marymo unt 3- 11 .2 14 12- 16 .429 Gonzaga 2- 12 . 143 4-23 . 148
Jill Shmc·r ( il'.fi ) w1d Melisa Sonino (right ) hold rhe WCC C/1111n11ionshi11 ho11hr a/ier leading rhe Torems to a 7-11oinr u11.1et ol Sanw Clam at 1/11! / 993 /0ll/"1/Wll ent.
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