USD Softball 1999
The University of San Diego
SETTING The Uni versity of San Diego is an independent Catho lic instituti on of hi gher education. Founded in 1949, USD is located on 180 acres overlooking Miss ion Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campus is named A lca la Park and is located just IO minutes from downtown San Diego and the world famous San Diego Zoo. Hi storic Old Town is just minutes away as well. The city of San Diego along with thi s campus traces their ori g ins to fi fteenth century Spain. The campus was named after a Spanish vill age near Madrid - Al ca la de Henares. Founded by the Greeks as Complutum, the vill age was later renamed Al Kala (the Castle) by the Mos lems. Chri sti ans recaptured the v illage centuri es later and founded a uni versity, the Uni versity of Alcala, whose buildings became the inspiration fo r US D's sty le. Both instituti ons are located on a hill overl ook ing a ri ver va ll ey. THE CAMPUS
The USD campus is rega rded as one of the most architecturall y unique institu– ti ons in the country, featurin g 18 maj or buildings des igned in an ornamental 16th century Spani sh Renaissance sty le. The phys ical beauty of the campus reac hes beyond the "eye of the beho lder." Reverend Moth er Rosa li e Hill , one o f the insti – tuti ons fo unders, beli eved in the enhancement of learning through beauty and harmony. Hence fo r the University, beauty is a transcendental quality imparted to students as part of their educati on to truth and goodness: a simpl e but profound educati onal philosophy. Since 1984, USD has completed nine maj or constructi on and expansion proj ects. A landscaped fountain plaza was fini shed in the fa ll of 1995, connecting the entrances of the lmmacul ata and Hughes Admini stration Center. In 1992, the uni versity compl eted the 45,000 square foot Loma Hall , which includes an ex panded bookstore, a larger mail center, c lassrooms and labratori es. In 1990, the renovated Katherine M. and George M. Pardee Jr. Lega l Research Center opened, a facility that offe rs the latest in information tec hno logy. ACADEMICS
USD enro lls more than 6,600 students who have a cho ice of more than 50 undergradu– ate and graduate degree programs. The uni versity's academi c units include the Co ll ege of Arts and Sciences, and the Schoo ls of Business Admini stration, Educati on, Law and Nursing. Class size generall y averages between 18-25 students with the student to teacher ratio bei ng 18: I. Over 97 percent ofUSD's full-time fac ulty hold doctorates . In th e annual ratings of th e country's co ll eges and uni versiti es, publi shed by U.S. News & Wo rld Reporl , USD moved from th e reg ional to nationa l category in 1994 . The uni ver– sity is ranked among the top I00 sc hoo ls in the nati on. STUDENT LIFE Student activi ties inc lude cul tura l events, da nces, boat cruises, beach parties, BBQ's, conce rts, comedy nights, sympos ia and much more. Students part icipate in a wi de ra nge of vo lunteer projects such as adu lt literacy tutoring, senior citi zen outreach, and house JENNY CRAIG PAVILION
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build ing in Tij uana. The in tramura l program is also an integra l part ofstu– dent life on campus with over two– thirds of the USD community partak– ing in intramural sports. ATHLETICS
• With a donation of$7 million by Sid and Jenny Craig, USD received the lead gift nec– essary to proceed with planning its much needed $17 million Sports/Activities Center. The pavilion, which will be located at the east– ern end of campus between Torero Stadium and Cunningham Baseball Stadium, will in– clude a 5,000-seat gymnasium, coaches of– fices, fitness center and athletic training fa– cilities, showers and locker rooms, conces– sion stand, and reception room. The Monsi– gnor I.B. Eagen Plaza off the Pavilion entry, will take advantage of the view across cam– pus to the ocean. The USD Athletic Hall of Fame will also be housed in the facility. Con– struction of the pavilion should be completed for the 2000-2001 academic year.
USD is a member of the West Coast Conference for nearly al l sports and competes in sixteen interco ll eg iate sports on the NCAA Divis ion I leve l. The footba ll team comp leted its sixth season in th e Pioneer Footba ll League. Women's spo rts include: basketba ll , crew, cross country, soccer, softball, swimm ing, tenn is and vo ll eyball. Men's sports inc lude: baseball , basketba ll , crew, cross coun try, go!f, foo tba ll , soccer and tenni s. Since 1990 USD teams have won five confe rence champ ionships; made 19 post-season appea rances; had 16 Conference Coaches of the Yea r; 12 Confe rence Pl ayers of the Yea r, IOConference Freshman of the Year, three WCC Scholar Athl etes of the Yea r and 18 NCAA All-Americans. Zuzana Lesenarova, a two-time NCAA All-America n for women's tenn is, already has won th e fi rst two legs ofthc Co ll egiate Grand Slam thi s fa ll ( 1998) with wins at the Nati onal C lay Courts and Riv iera All – America n. She enters th e 1999 spring season ranked No. I in th e nati on. Susie Erpe lding, a j uni or on the women's basketball team, was named to the First Team GTE Academ ic A ll – America Team.
1999 University of San Diego Toreros Women's Softball Media Guide
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