USD President's Report and Honor Roll of Donors 1996

USD EXECUTIVE OFFICERS A lice B. Hayes, Ph.D. Prc:-kkn1 Franc is M. Lazarus, Ph.D. Viel' President anJ Provnst Frederick V. Brooks, M.S. \/il:e President for Fin,·1ncc and Adminisnarion Rev. Monsignor I. Brent Eagen, M.A. Viel.' Prc.sidc..:nr (llf Missinn and Ministry Thomas F. Burke, M.A. \/ice Prcsidl'nr fllr Srudcm Affairs ,md Dc,111 of Srudcnrs

John T. Lynch C hairm,111 and CEO Ntihle Brnadc1st Grnup Inc. Douglas F. Manchester Chairman of rhc Board ~ 1 lanchcsrcr Rcs1Jn s Liam E. McGee '76 G roup Executive Vice Prcsitk·nr R,rnk of America George M. Pardee Jr. Rerired

BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Peter J. Hughes Ant1rncy•at•Law VICE CHAIR OF THE BOARD Joanne C. Warren C ivic Leader SECRETARY OF THE BOARD William 0. Jones '80 l'rcsiden1 ;1nd CEO C it yLink lnvcstmcnr Corporarion Frank 0 . Alessio lnvi.:sror Robert H . Baker President Boh Baker Enrcrpriscs Inc. Manuel Barba, M.O. R. Donna M. Bay top, M.O. Medical Dircct

Santa Monica Area Health Action Coalition Sisters Council Diocese of San Diego Society of Childrens Book Writers

National Assoc iation of Ch ild Advocates National Collegiate Athletic Association Our Lady of Angels Academy of O ur Lady of Peace Our Lady of Perpetual Hope Our Mother of Confidence C hurch Pacific Bell/GTE CPN Community Outreach

The C rustacean Society Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego Fairbanks Ranch Country C lub Graduate Nursing Students Association Holy Family Parish Hubbs-Sea World Research institute Human Resources Department lnst ituto Tecnologico y de Estudios The Free Catholic C hurch Kappa Delta Pi-Educational Honor School of Education Maricopa County Court Reporters Moreno Valley Un ified School District Superiores de Monterrey Jewish Chautauqua Society

Sonoma County Family Action Southern California Consortium Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet St. Catherine's Catholic C hurch St. Jeromes School of Religion St. John of the C ross School St. Rose of Lima School


Q ueen of Angels School of Religion Soc iety of the Sacred Heart San Diego C ity Schools San Diego Historical Society San Diego Padres Baseball San Diego Tennis & Raquet Club San Rafael Parish

S ister Gertrude Patch, R.S. C.J. Dirccrnr of rhc Center fnr Faith and C ulcurl' Loyola Univcrsi1·y C hicago John M. Robb ins Jr. Retired C EO A n1t.·rican Residential Mclrtgage Cnrpnr,1tinn William H. Scri pps '83 C h;1irman and CEO Scripps B,1schall Group Darlene Marcos Shiley Philanrhnlpisr Herbert B. Tasker C hairman and CEO A ll Pacific Mnrtgagc Crnnpany Michael T. Thorsnes Partner and Founder Thorsnes. Bartullltta, McGuire & Padilla A . Eugene Trepte President Trcpte In,·estmcnr Cclmp,1ny Yo landa Walther-Meade C ivic Leader William J. Zures Presi

John G. McNamara , B.A. Vice Presidcnr for University Rclari,ms

Superior Court of Arizona UCSD Medical Center USO Auxiliary

DEANS Patrick F. Orinan , Ph .D. College of Arts and Sciences James M. Burns, O.B.A. SclHHll ,lf Business Adminisrrati,1n Edward F. OeRoche, Ph.D. Schnnl 11f Educminn

USMC MCRD/Western Recruiting Region United Way of San Diego


Janet A. Rodgers, Ph.D. Phi lip Y. l-1;1hn School nf Nursing Eren Branch, Ph.D. School of G raduarc and Continuing Education Kristine S trachan, J.O. School of Law Cynthia A. Villis, Ph.D. Academic Services CREDITS John G. McNamara Vice Presidenr for Univcrsiry Rel.nions Jack Cannon Director of Puhlic Relations Trisha J. Ratledge Assnciatc Director of Publications Michael R. Haskins Ass11ciatc Dirccnir nf Puhlicatilms Jill Wagner Publicatilms Assistant Judy Williamson Puhlicarinns Suppnn Kate Callen Dirccrtir of Ncws Rureat1 C hris Mattson Assistant Director nf Public Relations Donald M. Fellows Director of Development Diane Gronholt Assisranr Director of Advancemenr Services Vi sual Asy lum Concept, Design .inJ A rt Direction Jim Coit

USD TORERO ATHLETIC FUND lnclividuals providing support to the uni versity's athletic pro- gram are recognized through membership in the USO Torero Ath letic Fund , listed below, based on the amount of their contribution.

USD ANNUAL DONOR CLUBS Individuals providing support to the uni versity through the Annual Fund are recogn ized through membership in a USO donor cluh, listed below, based on the amount of their contri- bution.

PRESIDE T'S CLUB Benefactors.. Patrons.. . Members.. ALCALA SOCIETY Laureates .

T ORERO ATHLETIC FUND Golden Toreros Sil ver Toreros Director's C lub Coaches' C ircle.. All -Americans Varsity C lub . Toreros.. . SPORTS BANQUET Do ORS Gold C lub..

$5,000 and above $2,500-4,999 .... $ 1,000-2,499 ... ... $500-999 .. $250-499 ...... $ 100-249 .. $25-99

$5,000 and above .$2,500-4,999 .. $ 1,000-2 ,499

.... $500-999 ..... $250-499 ..... $ 100-249

Deans ........... .... . Scholar


..... $ 1,000 and above

.... $ 100


USD SCHOOL OF LAW FUND Individuals providing support to the School of Law are recog- n ized through member hip in a donor club of the USO School of Law Fund, listed below, based on the amount of thei r contribution.

Recogn ition as a Corporate Associate is afforded those busi- nesses whose supp~rt for USO exceeds $ 1,000 during a fi scal year. Contri butions are acknowledged in the following rnte- gories: Parmer Investor ................. $ I0,000 and above .............. .. .. $5 ,000-9,999 ....... $2,500-4,999 ···················· ... .... $ 1,000-2,499 Sponsor .. Member. .

Paswr 0 lJT Lady of Refuge P,1rish Anita V. Figueredo, M.O. Walter Fitch III Private Investor Kim Fletcher President Investors Leasing Corpormion Ronald L. Fowler President/CEO Mesa Distributing Co., Inc. Alice B. Hayes President University of S,m Diego Robert Hoehn Viet.· Prcsidcnr Hoehn Motors, Inc. President The Hoehn Cn. Patricia M. Howe C hairman T. I.S. Financial Services Inc. Mich ael B. Kaplan '72 (J .O.) Owner ARKA Properties Group

J. Philip G illigan C harles M. G race Ernest W. Hahn"!" Bruce R. Hazard Arthur H . Kaplant Edmund L. Keeney, M.O. The Most Rev. Leo T. Mahert James J. McMorrow"i" Leland S. Prussia

SCHOOL OF L AW FUND Maudsley Fellows Plati num Gold Silver Bronze..

.$ I0,000 and above .. $5,000-9,999 .... $2 ,500-4,999 $ 1,000-2,499 ......... $500-999

For add itional informat ion about the University of San Diego, please contact:

Counselors Barristers . Advocates.. Loyalty C lub.. $250-499 .$100-2 49 .... Gifts to $ 100 Dean's C ircle recognizes donors with cumulative gifts of $ I00,000.

Willi am K. Warren t Richard P. Woltman Walter J. Zable t Deceased

Jeffrey Horvath Ken Jacques '78 Pablo Mason Rodney Nakamoto Jona than Woodward Ph11ttlgrnphy Dav id Diaz lllustrm ions

Office of Public Re lations Uni versi ty of San Diego 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92 11 0-2492 (619) 260-4681


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