USD President's Report and Honor Roll of Donors 1996

from the National Association of Collegiate and University Food Services, which awarded USO the Loya l E. Horton award for the top co lleg iate coffeehouse in the United States. We received several awards for environmenta l safety and energy conserva- tion , and San Diego County presented the univers ity an O rchid Award fo r planning in hono r of the beautiful Colachis Plaza and Shumway Fountain. VI. WORSHI P BROCHURES. The beautiful liturgies devel- oped by the Office of Un iversity Ministry include inspiring prayers, songs and scripture read ings. I keep the booklets as a remembrance of the events, such as the Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Inter- fai th Prayer Service, Founders Day Mass, Parents Masses, Homecoming Mass and many other special sp iritual pro- grams. I also will remember the program for the Pres- idential Debate, in which our printed message told the national audience that USO is a Catholic university com- mitted to a belief in God and respect for the dignity of human life. In looking to the year ahead, I am greatly encouraged by the resourcefulness, compe- tence and commitment our fac ulty, students and staff demonstrated during the memorable events surround-

our programs in the sciences, business and educat ion, and to prov ide new fac ilities for student res idences, athletics, academic mee tings and recre- ational activities. The master plan provides the physical plant foundation necessary fo r the implemen- tation of the university's long-range strategic plan . The academic goals of the strategic plan were approved by USD's board of trustees at its December meeting, and each of the schools and departments is beginning to implement plans. Among the new initiatives are an urban studies program, an industrial engineering program, an eth ics-across- the-curriculum program, and plans fo r a doc- tora l program in physical therapy and a center for real estate finance . V. COMMENDATIONS AND AWARDS. How pleased I was to receive notice that the uni versi ty was selected by the John Templeton Foundation Honor Roll of 125 universi- ties in the United States noted for moral education and character formation of students. I was not surprised to learn that USO is among 20 universities identi fied by a national study as "family-

ing the Presidenti al Debate. The quality of programming and faci lities we were able to deliver was appropriate to the national spotlight focused on the campus and the uni - vers ity community. We have been ranked among those universities considered to have nat ional status for the past several years, and we recruit fac ulty, students and staff from among the best the nation h as to offer. We also seek to develop our interna- tional connections. As we look forward to the 25 th anni- versary of the merger of the founding colleges this sum- mer, and the 50th anniversary of the university's first char- ter in 1999, we recognize the great achievemen ts of those who had the vision to estab- lish this university.


Dear Friends of the University,

disabled. Many more grants and contracts, in amounts ranging from $2 ,000 to $100,000, have been awarded to our facu lty and staff to support research and academic program development. O ne of the distinctive characteristics of scholar! y work at USO is the involve- ment of students in research projects. This President's Report gives me an opportu- nity to share with you a few examples of student/faculty proj ects which show the quality and educational impact of thi w rk. IV. O FFICIAL NOTICES AND PLANN ING DOCUMENTS. With a lot of help from our friends in the community, alumni, parents, facu lty and staff, the university rece ived no tice of unanimous approva l from the C ity of San Diego Planning Commission, and unanimous approva l from the C ity Counc il, for th e University of San Diego Master Pl an . This plan out- lines the major huild ing proj- ects the uni ve rsity antic ipates initiating ove r the next 25 to 30 yea rs. Visitors to campus will be pleased to learn that this plan includes a new parking garnge . Mo re impor- tant, it includes plans fo r expansinn rn accommodate

The trad itional gift for the first anniversary is paper, and I have certa inly rece ived a lo t of paper during my first year as president of the Univer ity of San Diego ! My in-box is always filled with paper, on which I find:

in many languages from newspapers and magaz ines around the world . Ill. GRANTS AND CON - TRACTS. I am proud of the recognition and fin anc ia l support our faculty and staff have rece ived fo r the ir schol- arly work. It is always a joy to open an enve lope and fi nd a notice of a grant or a contract. Among the major awards rece ived this yea r are: a $400,000 grant from HUD to Anne Hendershott and the urban studi es program to sup- port a Community O utreach Partnershi p Cente r program; a $500,000 two-year grant from The James Irvine Foundation to support a pro- gram to deve lop the cultu ra l compe tenc ies of our students, fac ulty and staff; a $300,000 grant from the Cali fo rni a Wellness Foundation to Robert Fellmeth and the Chi ldren's Advocacy Institute to sup- port a Media C learinghouse on C hildren; $ 113 ,500 from the Department of Health and Human Services to Louise Ra uckho rst for the Adult Nurse Practitioner Program, Gerontologica l Subspec ialty Option ; and $370,000 from the County


favorite gift. I enj oy hearing from you and learning about your interests and concerns. Your suggestions have been very valuable, and I like get- ting to know you better. In the future, this anniversary symbol will have to be changed to include electronic forms of messages, including e-mail and Internet communications. II. PHOTOGRAPHS AND NEWSCLI PPINGS. S ince the Presidential Debate, which was held on campus in October, I have rece ived pictures of President Bill C linton, Bob Dole, fo rmer Pres ident Gerald Ford and other national leaders and media spokespersons, who were photographed at various locations on campus talking to students and friend s of the uni versity. The newscl ipping file is several inches thick, and includes articles about the university and the debate

Alice B. Hayes

fri endly" in policies fo r employees and students.

Those who have visited the campus coffeehouse, Aromas, will recognize the appropri - ateness of the recognition

of San Diego to Richard Danford to provide lega l services to the menta lly

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