USD President's Report 1985
sible citizenship. Such issues as nuclear proliferation, integration of increas- ing numbers of minorities, international trade imbalances, and national budget deficits are long-term problems which will require the best minds we can offer; minds which relate. to the public, not personal, good. Issues are no less demanding at the state and local levels. In California we have been unable to resolve such problems as legislative reapportionment, the state's water distribution, urban sprawl or mass transit needs. Many state and local politicians seem to flow with those decisions that most positively influence their political careers - whether the decisions are best for the com- mon good or not. We must ask if our best minds, our most capable leaders, and most com- mitted citizens are accepting roles in the public interest. Are we developing statesmen? If the answer is "no," and I suspect it is, then we must give serious attention to adjusting our college experiences to instill the values of civic respon- sibility. As Morris Janowitz points out in Reconstruction ofPatriotism, "Today, people know a great deal about their civil rights. Do they know as much about their civic responsibilities?" The interest of freshmen students nationally in money, power and status has shown a marked increase during the past decade, according to the results
Public service is an expression of the traditional sense of community, a recog- nition that we are all dependent on one another for a variety of needs. Social responsibility and commitment to the community are shared values which can be expressed through involvement in public service. All tao often, the academic life is one al isolation from the surrounding com- munity. Students especially need the opportunity to express that part of themselves which embodies spiritual or altruistic values. Public service is the most direct way of transmitting to stu• dents the very essence of what it means to be value-oriented , while at the same time providing a very tangible benefit ta members of the community. The legal profession has long recag• nized the need to provide service to the community in the form of pro bono publico work. In fact, some bar associa- tions now require it of their members. It is never too early to sensitize stu- dents, especially those caught up in the competitive arena of law school, to the necessity of providing services to the community as a way of sharing tra- ditional community values of social responsibility and simple caring.
Law students who serve the Linda Vista Legal Clinic meet regularly co discuss the problems of their clients. The Linda Vista Clinic provides civil legal services co indigent residents of Linda Vista.
Theres a Pl ayer is director of USD's legal clinics and a professor in the Schoo/ of law.
Stan and Mary Meiring of Del Cerro admi re the yardwork of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity members who worked in the Meirings' backyard during the student government's annual Senior Outreach Weekend. About 35 seniors received more than 300 hours of voluntee r student labor during this year's weekend.
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